And you do you think Beethoven was rich? Great music talents of that era had to be supported essentially by monarchs. There is no law that says creators of art are financially comfortable. Mozart's father is criticized for his authoritarian rule over his children, but this rule led to Mozart (and his sister) being able to eat, as well as to create. Add to this the fact that I am sure there are many ;poets and musicians whose talent will hardly see the light of day, and those whose work has risen to notoriety are not the only ones with merit ....
True artists create because they can't NOT create. With or without financial backing.
I'm simply letting the few people here on Substack who like me and appreciate what I make know that there's now avenue through which they can support me if they so choose.
Some people WANT to support other people, as I do others. There is zero obligation or expectation! Just a PARTY. 🤍
Maybe? I do believe there are some born with the natural superpower of marketing. I alas am not one of them. 😉
On the other hand, I've heard it said that all we are ever doing is marketing ourselves. And I suppose, when looked at through a certain lens, that is true!
I know exactly how you feel and funny you mention Mozart. With my husband being a long time musician and playing in a few symphonies I am always reading about the composers and shake my head at how they lived and wrote thousands upon thousands of pieces before dying so young. I fought this constantly as a professional photographer. I feel everything I do and create is an offering and the whole idea of fame is very uncomfortable. Let the world be noisy and loud and keep doing you! and always much love to you Jacqueline! Beautiful song :). oxox
Jacqueline, I never hear you complain, I just hear beauty and depth. I love music and creativity in general and I completely understand how you feel. I love your thoughts. Much love back sister. oxox
Great song! Thanks for putting yourself out there. Happy to be a part of the magic as you set your creativity free rippling out into the world. Blessings 🙏❤️
Like you all my joy and focus go into "Making" the art, not the Market.. Like you, I do it for a living... which means I do it because it is the passion in my Living a wonderful life.. if it supports me financially what an added bonus..
Marketing is like trying to explain fire to someone who's never felt warmth - some things are meant to be experienced, not sold. And yet, here we are, artists in a world that demands we package magic into bite-sized, clickable content. I feel you. And I love that you’re finding a way to do it on your own terms. The Nest already sounds like home!
HA! What a funny co-inky-dink! I can't wait to hear your thoughts and learn more about your insights. Thank you for being excited about it, Megan. The support I'm receiving from you and others is so moving to me it makes my eyes leaky! ✨🙏💖
My emerging theory as a newer artist coming from the business world has to do with the difference between art and artifacts.
Pretty much any idea coming from human imagination can be a form of art but if and when we want to turn it into a business, we have to create and apply a bunch of artifacts that serve to manage and control the art.
Art is too willy and unpredictable to become a business. I do we could and should try to keep art as close to the art and be able to make a living from that.
Thus, I feel marketing is more artifact than art. Marketing exists to harness what the art is in order to turn the art into sales. Even worse, marketing has become such an outdated artifact that it often now has to resort to making claims that are far beyond what the thing being sold actually achieves.
As artists, we would naturally not be very good at or feel very good about doing something that takes us away from our art.
As a business person, I worked with a ton of artifacts aimed at controlling the "art" of what we were trying to achieve. The prioritization of the artifacts over the art just made the work so much more unnecessarily complicated while making the "art" of the situation totally unachievable because all our attention was on the artifacts.
And when the art wasn't arting, we tried even harder to make the artifacts make the art. You can imagine the result.
And you do you think Beethoven was rich? Great music talents of that era had to be supported essentially by monarchs. There is no law that says creators of art are financially comfortable. Mozart's father is criticized for his authoritarian rule over his children, but this rule led to Mozart (and his sister) being able to eat, as well as to create. Add to this the fact that I am sure there are many ;poets and musicians whose talent will hardly see the light of day, and those whose work has risen to notoriety are not the only ones with merit ....
Of course! I see all of that! :)
True artists create because they can't NOT create. With or without financial backing.
I'm simply letting the few people here on Substack who like me and appreciate what I make know that there's now avenue through which they can support me if they so choose.
Some people WANT to support other people, as I do others. There is zero obligation or expectation! Just a PARTY. 🤍
Beautiful song Jacqueline.
Thank you, Todd!!
I'm cookin up some new ones I've been writing over the winter. Stay tuned....🤍
I hope you and yours are well! :)
I also feel overwhelmed about marketing. I wonder if anyone is actually good at it; maybe some people simply get very lucky sometimes?
Maybe? I do believe there are some born with the natural superpower of marketing. I alas am not one of them. 😉
On the other hand, I've heard it said that all we are ever doing is marketing ourselves. And I suppose, when looked at through a certain lens, that is true!
I know exactly how you feel and funny you mention Mozart. With my husband being a long time musician and playing in a few symphonies I am always reading about the composers and shake my head at how they lived and wrote thousands upon thousands of pieces before dying so young. I fought this constantly as a professional photographer. I feel everything I do and create is an offering and the whole idea of fame is very uncomfortable. Let the world be noisy and loud and keep doing you! and always much love to you Jacqueline! Beautiful song :). oxox
Wow Deborah. Your comment exemplifies your beauty & empathic sensitivity. 🥰
Thank you so much for sharing this with me. And for getting it!!
I'm certainly not complaining- I'm very blessed- just navigating through this place being me. Thank you for reading & listening!
Much love to you, my sister. ❤️
Jacqueline, I never hear you complain, I just hear beauty and depth. I love music and creativity in general and I completely understand how you feel. I love your thoughts. Much love back sister. oxox
Great song! Thanks for putting yourself out there. Happy to be a part of the magic as you set your creativity free rippling out into the world. Blessings 🙏❤️
Wow, this is very exciting, Jacqueline! I see big things on this path of unfoldment! Love, love, love your music ... 🎤 🎼 🎸
Thank you for liking my art, Sol!! 🤍💖🤍
As they say, the aether is our oyster. Wait- they don't say that- but I WILL!!
I love the song and your style.
Like you all my joy and focus go into "Making" the art, not the Market.. Like you, I do it for a living... which means I do it because it is the passion in my Living a wonderful life.. if it supports me financially what an added bonus..
Go with Confidence SiSTAR!! You've GOT THIS!!!
I've seen your talents shine in so many ways.
My beautiful siSTAR!! 🌟 THANK YOU for seeing me. I know you get it. You are a super duper brilliant creative soul. 💖💖💖
Marketing is like trying to explain fire to someone who's never felt warmth - some things are meant to be experienced, not sold. And yet, here we are, artists in a world that demands we package magic into bite-sized, clickable content. I feel you. And I love that you’re finding a way to do it on your own terms. The Nest already sounds like home!
BAM!!! 🔥
You sure have a way with words, Dea. Thank you for getting it. (but of course you do! ;)
YES- on my own terms- that's the key, isn't it? 💖
Unlimited & uninhibited creative exploration & meandering in pursuit of beauty and goosebumps.
Thank youuu! Yes - that's exactly the key. Unlimited, uninhibited, and unapologetically YOU. 💖
Bluesy and soulful… friggin awesome! 👏🔥 ❤️
Thank you so friggin' much, Patrick!! LOL!!! I appreciate you reading and listening. 😊
Fantastic Jacqueline, I’m thrilled to read about expanding your endeavors on Patreon! Beautiful song! 🎵❤️
Thank you so much, Charlotte! Expansion feels so exciting and nourishing, doesn't it? ✨💖🎶
Yes it does! ✨💜✨
I watched Amadeus again fairly recently! And gosh, I had a lot of thoughts while reading your post. I'm so excited about your Patreon launch!
HA! What a funny co-inky-dink! I can't wait to hear your thoughts and learn more about your insights. Thank you for being excited about it, Megan. The support I'm receiving from you and others is so moving to me it makes my eyes leaky! ✨🙏💖
My emerging theory as a newer artist coming from the business world has to do with the difference between art and artifacts.
Pretty much any idea coming from human imagination can be a form of art but if and when we want to turn it into a business, we have to create and apply a bunch of artifacts that serve to manage and control the art.
Art is too willy and unpredictable to become a business. I do we could and should try to keep art as close to the art and be able to make a living from that.
Thus, I feel marketing is more artifact than art. Marketing exists to harness what the art is in order to turn the art into sales. Even worse, marketing has become such an outdated artifact that it often now has to resort to making claims that are far beyond what the thing being sold actually achieves.
As artists, we would naturally not be very good at or feel very good about doing something that takes us away from our art.
Thank you for your thoughtful comment- it really resonates! 🙏
Moving from business into art gives you a particularly interesting perspective.
As a business person, I worked with a ton of artifacts aimed at controlling the "art" of what we were trying to achieve. The prioritization of the artifacts over the art just made the work so much more unnecessarily complicated while making the "art" of the situation totally unachievable because all our attention was on the artifacts.
And when the art wasn't arting, we tried even harder to make the artifacts make the art. You can imagine the result.
I can! A complete erosion of the “heART of the matter”!!
Rock on! Ride the waves, surf the tides , free, free to reign. Lightning, shows the way.
Thank you, my brother!! ✨🎶✨