Jul 9Liked by Jacqueline Rendell

The title says everything.

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Thank you so much!

Obviously, I agree! :)

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❤️ ❤️ ❤️

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Right back at you, my friend. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

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Jul 9Liked by Jacqueline Rendell

Loved this and I'm watching now. Thanks for sharing. You are such a beautiful soul and I'm so grateful I get to spend time with you. XOXOX

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Awww...you're making my face leak again!! I love you dearly, my sister. ❤️

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Jul 9Liked by Jacqueline Rendell

Beautiful! Thanks for posting this! Gives me inspiration, thank you!

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Thank you so much, Karen! I love hearing and knowing that it leaves you inspired. My mission has been accomplished!! ❤️

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Jul 9·edited Jul 12Liked by Jacqueline Rendell

"Nutrients of the expansion of relationship are moving through you"

Love that quote.


About the Starfire codes, me too.

Demi is the best.

I am working on something for her right now while I listen to you two talk.

Her channeled messages were the only positive thing coming through to my email when

I first found substack. That was before I knew any of you. I was the only one who felt the way I felt about many things at that time. It was lonely.

All I had coming to me at that time in my email were substacks

that held very dark news.

I made an "inspiration folder" with my favorite channels

from her in it. I would go there to hear positivity.

When I decided to finally write something and engage with you all directly,

I was initially BLOWN AWAY.

I am still standing here beside myself. *looks at self


Is it appropriate that every time Jaqueline is moved beyond words,

I laugh my head off?



"I am gonna make you sit here while I give you compliments in public,


Megan, I love your sense of humor.


I get it, being "tripped out on the love", Jaqueline :)

You guys are fantastic humans!

I enjoyed that, thank you.

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I am so happy that you are no longer alone inside this......whatever it is we're in!!

And I cannot imagine Substack without you and all that you bring to it from your uniquely creative and loving sensitivity, Amy.

"Is it appropriate that every time Jaqueline is moved beyond words,

I laugh my head off?


YES!!!!! 😂😂😂😂 I ASK you to LAUGH!!!! Don't ever stop. 😘😘😘

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I'm slowly emerging out of my monk phase too. So nice to have somewhat aligned timelines and connect with you on here Jacqueline. Btw, both my Aunt and my adopted (out of my family) sister are named Jaqueline <3

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Great name, isn't it?! 🤣

Thank you for reading and for connecting with me through your comment and with sharing your beautiful writing, my sister. It's beyond my ability to verbally describe my appreciation for the magic that is bringing us all together. ✨ ❤️

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Jul 10Liked by Jacqueline Rendell

I loved this Jacqueline. On so many levels. And my very favorite part…? That song you sang at the end. Your singing and lyrics blow me away. And I always do a double take. How does she sound like that? There is something quite unique in your voice. I am glad you both have a new thing starting! And Outlander…wow. I never watched the show and I did enjoy the books so much (and there are a lot!). It was nice to see them in this light…commitment to care. That is the main energy I took away. And you studying the financial system that long. OMG. I know you will empathize with my squirm when my friend mentioned they don’t know how to accept Bitcoin at their new restaurant and he prefers “real” money. I kept my mouth shut. I don’t think I said that makes no sense as it is only paper…unlimited paper. But I was thinking it. And how much I want to buy the dip right now 🤔😉😂🙏.

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Thank you beautiful Terra!! ❤️ I love that you watched our talk. It was so enjoyable for me to meet her. And it moves me so much that your fave part was the SONG!!

Here is a better recording of it:


Yep- for a long time, I've been studying the racket of centralized control (banks/currency, language/symbolism, Big Pharma/Ag, etc) and the propaganda/programming applied as mind control through which they propagate the stranglehold on us by convincing us we need them or else we'll die!

"And how much I want to buy the dip right now"

😂😂😂 SAME!! Huge sale right now!!

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Jul 10Liked by Jacqueline Rendell

Thanks for the link! And I loved it the way you played it…really. Beautiful.

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Jul 10Liked by Jacqueline Rendell

I practice not wanting, desirelessness

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Jul 10·edited Jul 10Author

Out of curiosity, why do you want to not want?

Thank you for reading and commenting. :)

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Jul 10Liked by Jacqueline Rendell

Wanting, needing, deserving are all about attachment. Attachment feeds the ego that has to have more and more of everything including control.

For me, I find that the less I want / need, the richer my life is.

Developing an ego is important for children and young people and then, as we get more life experience it’s time to do what you love, what calls you, and let the rest go. The more I pursue ‘wants’ the more miserable and off the path I become. The less I grasp and control, the more ‘in the flow’.

I’ve been on a spiritual path my whole life, and I’m really a pathetic idiot just trying to follow the light.

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hahahah!! I very much doubt you're pathetic or an idiot.

I'm familiar with the Buddhist ideology, and by all means, if that brings richness and peace to your life, then I think that's great. I love that you've figured out what you need. I don't believe there's a 'one size fits all' approach to this game called life. :)

My take is we are here to create. We are manifesters and generators of genius. And knowing what we want is essential to this process. We've been bestowed with incredible gifts to dream and imagine and empathize....to produce beauty and art and inventions that invoke connectivity, prosperity, harmony and love. I don't see ego in that- I see it as us living to our fullest capacity as the creative 'spirits disguised as humans' that we are. ❤️

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Jul 10Liked by Jacqueline Rendell

last friday, i had dinner with a friend and had a casual (I thought) conversation about creativity and what she wanted to do with her life. i gave her some guidance and ideas that I had given my clients over the years, then i didn't think about it again. a few days later, she thanked me very seriously for the talk we had, and told me it helped her a lot. it was such a small thing to me but was huge for her.

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I love this, Elizabeth!!! Thank you so much for sharing this with me.

That sounds like a beautiful friendship you have there. ❤️

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Jul 10Liked by Jacqueline Rendell

True. I think many people have been conditioned and are afraid to want what they really want.

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I think it's also that we are so entranced by external distractions that communing with ourselves to dream, contemplate, imagine- ALL powerful gifts we've been imbued with- has become a past-time of the past.

Knowing what you want requires unplugging, even for a minute, but everyone's too addicted to a device to do that. People can't even wait for a bus anymore without looking at their phone which, not that long ago, would have been time spent day-dreaming or speaking with fellow humans.

Thank you for leaving a comment and sharing your thoughts, Aaron! :)

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Jul 10Liked by Jacqueline Rendell

oh this makes me smile so big!!! i’ve been thinking (and doing!) a lot lately in the realm of “what do i actually want? and why?” it’s such a beautiful thing when the fog clears. when all that social media muck dissolves. when you get to that “i am who i am and that’s amazing!” place.

i relate so much with what you’re saying about coming out of hermitage, and it seems to have everything to do with the above. feeling connected with our creations and contributions and feeling like there’s true purpose in our work here - it’s too exciting not to share!

thank you for sharing your beauty and heart with the world!!!

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Awww!! Thank you, lovely, for leaving me this awesome comment! ❤️

YES, it's such a skill to check in with ourselves, then make the thing, and THEN share it on the Social media and not the other way around. It will make warriors of us, to be able to withstand the pull to look outward first (which tends to only squash our child-like impulses to express our true voice) and instead go inward to, as you say, connect with our creations.

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Jul 10Liked by Jacqueline Rendell

hell yes. always returning to the playful curiosity of creative expression

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This is magic in real life! 🪄✨✨✨

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YES!!! It really is. What a beautiful way to put it!! 🌟❤️🦋

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Jul 12Liked by Jacqueline Rendell

I've been reflecting on the rhyzomatic spread concept. Right now where I live, the fields are thick with hawkweed. It is considered invasive and noxious and its' really pretty flowers can be yellow, orange or red like dandelions in top of the head ponytails. So they have roots and rhyzomes and the little seeds really fly. Like thistles if you try to wipe them out they come back with a vengeance. I've spent some time with them in my hayfield, as you can imagine. They flourish in depleted, acidic soil. My solution was to dig them out where I could, mow them to keep them from seeding where I couldn't, throw some lime on the ground to neutralize the acidity and some fresh horse shit on top for nitrogen. The current fuckery being the perfect conditions to facilitate spread of authenticity and truth feels really satisfying on some level. There aren't many people I know like me out there who'd go to all that trouble rather than just poison the Earth. Interesting that improving the growing conditions is the solution to finding balance.

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Thea!! I'm sorry it took me so long to respond- I missed this somehow.

I love your reflections. Please keep sharing them with me, sister! 💖

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Thank you for your bravery - sheer organic real-time truth and power on display. I'm not sure exactly how I came across this, as I share your instinct towards isolation, but it's worth noting - what that mirror you're describing blasted back at me was a disquieting array of preconceptions I harbor that were, one by one, exposed and melted away as this discussion progressed. There was no denying it. That's Post Post Modern power on display - inverting the inversion. Not to mention your performance - brilliant. Congratulations.

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Wow, this is such a wonderful message to receive. Thank you so much, James.

I'm enjoying the magic of this: " was a disquieting array of preconceptions I harbor that were, one by one, exposed and melted away as this discussion progressed"

Incredible!! And yes, inverting the inversion. Beautifully stated.

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Jul 27Liked by Jacqueline Rendell


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Thank you, Ethan! 🙏🤍✨

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I can relate to this so much. I tend to hide under a rock and am so very comfortable writing and creating. I’ve written 3 books, but hardly talk about them. I’d rather be writing more books. Being on Substack helps me feel as though I’m putting myself and my work out there, without having to trade my

Mental health being on social media. I love how when I do come on Substack I come across pieces like this. What a gift 💝 thank you for sharing. I look forward to listening to this episode.

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Wow!! 3 books!! Thank you so much, Danielle. I’m so happy you enjoyed my piece. It’s always vulnerable to share and so rewarding when I do.

Your comment was a gift for me this morning! 🤍

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