Love it!!

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hahaha! It's very kind of you to say so, Kristin! You are officially the first human other than me to hear this weirdness.

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Love it too—

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ha!! I can picture you groovin' out to it while rockin your cool glasses! XO

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You got some fucking talent.

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Thank you! (I'm going to assume you actually mean that, Thomas.) I don't normally collaborate with chickens but....it might not be the last time!

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Wut!? lol, that was creative!

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hahahah the 'wut?!' is entirely the correct response! xo

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This is rad!

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Thank you for thinking so, Jess!! xo

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How could I not? 🙂❤️👏

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hahahaha!!! ❤️❤️❤️

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Oh, so good! I always thought Dr. Seuss gave me a big mindfuck as a kid and going back. It makes a hell of a lot more sense reading them as an adult lol. This is my kind of Dr. Seuss. You had me at hello. 🙏❤️

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Jamie!! hahahaha! I love everything about your comment! hahhaha!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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very cool, creative, and made me laugh!!

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GOOD!! Your laughing is my desired outcome!! ❤️❤️❤️

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This is so cool!!

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Thank you, sister!! bacawwww!!! 😂😂

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If you ever make an album, this should be an interlude halfway through. Very cool and chirpy. Lol.

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hahahaha! chirpy!!

Last night found myself wanting to keep tweaking shit and re-doing singing parts and mixing it into the wee hours and then I remembered that it really is just a silly little thing and I should probably get some sleep! 😂

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Did you dream of chickens or that you were a blues player from back in the day playing on the Chitlin Circuit?

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I wish!!! ;)

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HAAAAAAAAAAAAAhahahahahhaa. BWAAAAK. That was awesome. Paha. This is a great way to do the contest, I'll say. A mindfuck within a mindfuck is very inspiring. Haha.

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This was definitely a fun project for me!! i was crackin myself up, as you heard. ;)

Sweary- but hilarious!!

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Taking that sheeit to the next level. :) I call my alter ego Cheecho. Imma have to bust out my cheecho energy. You are making it weird. I love it when it's weird and with animal noises. Absolutely.

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Ola, Cheecho!!!

Ready to get weird?!! hahahaha

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PAAAAAAAAAAHahaha. HAHa I can really HEAR this one, all the way from here :) Sounds like someone slapped a cheeekhan on his back and turned him crow. Or maybe it is a cheekhan with a crow parent. Hmm :) Haha

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Either way, the combo is a little terrifying *giggling

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Delightfully weird, reminds me of Laurie Anderson if she was jamming with Tangerine Dream.

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I love this feedback!!

Delightfully weird...and Laurie Anderson~~~ THANK YOU!!!

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Laurie Anderson was one of my favourites growing up, I would listen to her and Kate Bush for hours while drawing or slipping into imaginary worlds.

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Good on you. ;)

Yes....they both most certainly have the power to transport us to other dimensions.

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How did I miss this?!? Excellent Jacqueline! 👏👏👏 You’ve got the talent girl! 😘 Awesome! 🎵♥️🎶

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Thank you so much, Charlotte! ♥️♥️♥️

bac-bacAWWW!!!! 😂

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I had to listen to this again bc this goes HAFITP and is winner winner imo chicken freaking dinner. I love this so much.

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Awww!!! Thank you so much, JJ!! 💖✨🙏

(what is HAFITP?!)

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Hard af in the paint, I sometimes will throw in af in the m f paint but showed restraint that should not have been shown as this indeed goes hard in the motherfucking paint which is just a way of saying it's like a slam dunk or winning shot or just a special or awesome thing. It goes hard would be another way of saying it. My vernacular is ridiculous and I can't help myself sometimes when I will use lyrics from a song that has the overall feeling or message in what I'm trying to convey in some way. I'm from south of the Mason Dixon and haven't really been north of it and it's just something we do down here idk, I'm securely weird in good ways too so just letting my Fhagan Flag Fly. Idk what's wrong with me, speculation at best is all that can be done since nobody can pin a there there to it. Lol. 🤣

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"...so just letting my Fhagan Flag Fly" 🤣🤣🤣


Thank you for clarifying that acronym for me. I love that you love the song so much. But really, the fact that you have ridiculous vernacular says to me that you are super aligned with this hilarious silly sentences contest of Demi's. It's right up your fhagan alley!! 🤪✨🦙💖

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I have Mr. Cook to thank or Apollo one for Fhagan flag. Lol I wish I could have birthed that one but upon further reflection perhaps it was Apollo. Either way it's hilarious.

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Honestly, you guys lost me a bit....I had to look up what a Cthulu was!! I love the laughter and fun I'm seeing. It's so heart-warming. 💖

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Lovecraft was a mad,sheltered genius from Providence and as an individual a man of his times from a particular caste but Chutulu is pure syfy wonder. Especially when it came out. He's like the next step from Poe before Bradbury,Dick and Vonegant and possibly Edgar Rice Burroughs before Bradbury and Dick. At least that's how it went for me.

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