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Feb 13, 2024
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Thank you so much for this valued feedback, Mr. Coleman. πŸ™

It’s funny ya know, as soon as I post one, I find myself with a hankering for the next one...πŸ˜‰

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Feb 13, 2024
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Mission accomplished. πŸ˜‰

Soup’s on, my brother.

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Thank you. I feel like a spaz most of the timeβ€”glad it comes out okay on the other end!

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I’ve been looking forward to this. 😊 It’s nice to put a voice and mannerisms to Chris’ posts. I knew y’all would have a great repore after watching all the back’n forth these months, and you did.

I’ll be the first to admit that I am kinda the ketchup stain on the dress here. I’m an auto mechanic from Tennessee, an eight year vet of the Gulf War era. So I found myself listening to Chris, not much differently than listening to Rush reading a brilliant piece from some erudite conservative author. Wow, that pinhead knows what he’s talking about! So, yeah Chris, you have my blue-collar seal of approval. Probably only because you’ve learned to be nice to dumbasses like me, which gives me encouragement to listen long enough to figure out what you’re talking about. 🀣 See, there’s another potential 10,000 you’ve saved.

Another awesome interview Jacqueline! Much love to the both of ya’ll!

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In the history of this world, intellectuals have far, far, far, far more to be ashamed of than people who work in trades. Many intellectuals are useless, and some are incredibly dangerous.

You are not the ketchup stain on the dress, my friendβ€”you keep the world going 'round.

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If you were in my shop, you’d be the ketchup stain Chris. πŸ˜†We all play our parts, both good and bad. You are intellectually honest Chris, that’s why I enjoy your posts and will read your book. Both of you are authentic and leave yourselves vulnerable. That’s what makes me wanna be in the tribe.

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Hey man, I once changed a carburetor in a lunch hour and still had time to go to Wendy's drive through to get a chicken sandwich. Of course it was a 1974 AMC Hornet, so it was just two bolts, a gasket, and a couple of vacuum lines. Easy enough for my non-mechanical brain!

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I absolutely believe that. When reading your words I very much hear a smart, thoughtful, normal guy I can identify with. But when listening to you for the first time I was kinda taken aback by the academic. Kinda like reading William F. Buckley and then listening to him for the first time. (Okay, you’re not THAT bad, but maybe you’ll get the pointπŸ˜†)

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I AM a normal guy you can identify with. Come hang in the back yard with some whiskey and a cigar.

Okay, I am not normal, but we'd still have a good time!

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You’re my kinda normal brother.

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That sounds great. Who has time for hangin with normal people?!

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My older brother had an AMC Hornet! That’s a real blast from the past!

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I loved that car. It was sky blue, so I spray-painted clouds all over it. And I never got pulled over!

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His was royal blue. No clouds though. πŸ€ͺ

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β€”I am almost afraid to watch. I assume I look like a caffeine addict who talks with his hands too much 🀣

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watch it~ i bet its better than you expect!!

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Thank you so much, my brother. It was a joy to meet Chris and connect through talking- not typing!! Sending you love and appreciation back!!

(PS I second Chris about the ketchup stain...possessing important skills so many us have lost IS the dress ;)

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I love this idea that you’ve been birthing so beautifully. Such a treat to get to know the personalities behind the writing. May both you and Christopher continue to grow and expand your reach - on this platform and beyond!!! πŸ€—πŸ’™πŸ’«

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Thank you beauty!! β€οΈβœ¨πŸ¦‹

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It was like listening to an old friend πŸ™

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That is so lovely, Elliot!

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We need to have these kind of discourse to catalyse higher levels of understanding. The trick is to make the subject as accessible to laymen and lay women alike by taking it down to bite size pieces. You do this very well. Many thanks to both Jacqueline and Chris for a cerebral discussion. πŸ™

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Thank you so much for watching, Elliot. It encourages me to continue!! xo

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Oh please do continue. These are so valuable πŸ™

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Oh, this warms my heart so much, Elliot!! I'll continue for as long as people continue to want to talk with me. :)

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Aw, you are so sweet, Christopher! I love your face. I really enjoyed this interview. This is so much fun. I enjoyed hearing about your Substack journey and your hopes and dreams for the near future. I would never doubt you if you wanted to share any story from your life. I can see that you really are a genuine person. You are clearly dedicated and you think deeply about things. The light of reason and kindness and genuine interest shines out from your eyes. You two did a great job on this interview! You guys are so cute. I feel like I am living in an alternate reality here on Substack. I really appreciate all of you here. Hopefully our experiences here with each other can begin to spill out into the world and we can have regular conversations with people on the ground this way. I want this for all people! I am grateful to you for doing these ,Jacqueline. This is such a gift. Thanks, Christopher, for sharing with us :) The people here are becoming more and more important to me with each interview and each interaction. I really value you both tremendously. I am grateful that there are loving and caring people in the world who are willing to do the work, whatever it is. You both give me hope.

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Amy....you ARE the best!! I can always count on you to take the time to write a deeply thoughtful and heartfelt comment. I feel so supported and encouraged by you, my sister.

Isn't he great?! Such earnestness and child-like curiosity and intention to make the world a better place for us all to inhabit, peacefully, freely, joyfully. Sending you my love!! XO

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I am finding these relationships really , really worthy of my time. He is all those things and so are you! You are doing amazing work here.

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Sighhhhhh....breathing out to receive and welcome IN your awesome message.

I am beyond thrilled that it's making a difference for you, and for others. TRULY.

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You think I am child-like in an interview……you should check me out trying to annoy Judy before she's had her morning coffee :-)

Seriously, thank you both so much for all the lovely things you say and do!

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Hahaha, well, let's amend that to sparkly and exuberant. How about genuinely interested and hopeful and undaunted by the world's stupidities? :) :) :)

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Perfectly said, sister! ✨πŸ₯³

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All of that is lovely. Childlike is lovely too. I may be growing old, but I am never growing up!

You guys are awesome.

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Nice interview, Jacqueline appears to have particularly enjoyed this one. I love how the conversation swings from the personal to the philosophical. And that bit on how Jacqueline balances the emotional with the rational... true, and I loved it.

I find this idea of anarchism interesting, and I will be keen to read Christopher's book to see how he explores it. I think governments are necessary but highly inefficient institutions, that they represent the best way to organize a society. I think the best balance is one where the state is strong enough to defend liberties but not too strong to oppress the citizenry.

I'll be curious to see how Christopher develops this argument, explaining how large societies can be organized as so, how to provide public goods in such settings, and how to guard against entropy as happens in failed states (like, say, Haiti) where the state is practically nonexistent.

Overall, great interview, and thanks to both of you.

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Thank you very much, Patrick. πŸ™

It’s a pretty big topic that involves a lot of un-learning what we’ve taught to believe about ourselves and also a lot of reimagining what humans can be!!

When we realize what we are capable of when we achieve the fullness of our maturity, and when we allow the fullest opening and expression of our hearts in balance with our creative problem-solving abilities, our societies and families can only flourish and prosper. ❀️

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I agree, Jacqueline, and thank you.

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Thank YOU, Patrick for always being so thoughtful in your commentary. It’s lovely knowing you’re out there doin’ your thing!

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β€œ I'll be curious to see how Christopher develops this argument, explaining how large societies can be organized as so, how to provide public goods in such settings, and how to guard against entropy as happens in failed states (like, say, Haiti) where the state is practically nonexistent.”

I have been writing about it in bits and pieces. I will start writing in a more systematic way in the next couple of weeks. Thanks!

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Welcome, and thanks.

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I was finally able to watch this incredible interview yesterday while we were driving over to the coast. It’s great to put a voice and real face to those you admire here on Substack. Fabulous interview! Thank you both! 😘😘😘

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Your continued support and enthusiasm for my venture is so appreciated and heart-warming, my beautiful magical sister!! πŸŒŸβœ¨πŸ’«

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I kept starting this wonderful interview at bedtime and failing to finish. So at 5:30am this morning I listened to it all. How great to both see and hear you Christopher. Your thoughtfulness and passion are so inspiring. In my opinion, all your content is worth paying for. You don’t have to do more for me. I wondered about how you had time for answering comments in such detail and I know now that is one of the main drivers of creating a community of people who can express themselves fully and even debate things thoughtfully. I love that. Finally, for me, love and freedom seem like flavors of the same thing. Like ice cream. People think of love as romantic love. Or Valentine’s Day. Or Grandma’s cookies. The word, love, is what came to me as my driving force and I believe Joan of Arc was motivated by love. I am not sure how I would define it. Both freedom and love feel like descriptions of God. And Jaqueline, wow. These interviews are such a gift. I enjoy your skill with the questions and editing. I enjoy the β€œyou” that comes through and learning more about you as well. I enjoy seeing and hearing writers I read here in Substack and I am sure you will introduce me to some new ones. You are rocking my world sister. (And it is funny as my post today does fall in the emotional category if you go with my cover photo). My hackles went up a bit around women being categorized as emotional. But I am. I am also usually grounded, thoughtful, inquisitive, and academically successful. People last night asked where I went to college. They did the requisite β€œahhh” sound when I said UC Berkeley. I told them I didn’t learn much there and mostly quit going to class and studied notes for the classes I purchased on my roof instead (also true), but I have finally come to feel I was on point with that. Those economics professors were teaching things that didn’t make sense. I feel emotional about that in a passionate Joan of Arc kind of way πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‚πŸ™.

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" love and freedom seem like flavors of the same thing. Like ice cream."

I LOVE this!!

"These interviews are such a gift." " You are rocking my world sister."

How happy am I to hear this?!! I am RECEIVING these gifts from you, sister!!

"My hackles went up a bit around women being categorized as emotional. But I am."

My thoughts on this are that we've been brainwashed for years to see our sensitivity as a liability~ the truth is, it's a GIFT!! We make humans with our bodies, and bringing a baby into this world with an empathic, compassionate, nurturing mother is what makes for a healthy baby who feels safe to unfurl and blossom! Of course, we are many things, but embracing our innate gifts of sensitivity with reason and logos to achieve balance is the key. XO

I love you, Terra!! Thank you for your beautiful presence in my life, from afar. I truly appreciate your heart and your mind and your spirit...XO

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β€œ love and freedom seem like flavors of the same thing. Like ice cream.”


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