"I don't know science words." Same, dude, same lol

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😂😂 He cracked me up. Thank you so much for watching, sister!

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Coleman is hilarious! It was a great listen.

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Excellent conversation guys. In regards to people who are deep in their rage, it's chemical. Norepinephrine system, especially if dealing with trauma, creates adrenaline which can be addictive and turn you into an adrenaline. Re depressed people, I don't think they're sympathy where's I think some are more like Milnes Eeoyre. The anxious ones, yeah get it under control, it's residual from running from sabertooths and shit just to tap in there. I enjoyed this conversation from you both and it was nice to see you guys exchange in this way as we all do tend to get into some really fun schennigans on Notes. Thank you for doing this guys. 🌝

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Thanks so much for watching, JJ!! 😘❤️

I appreciate you sharing your thoughts, sister.

Yes, absolutely chemical.

And it’s what’s known. Change is scary for a lot of people. But then it’s a matter of what’s worse?

I love the shenanigans and I adore your shenanigator ways! 😘

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“And it’s what’s known. Change is scary for a lot of people. But then it’s a matter of what’s worse? “

Same. My go-to question for myself in facing change is, “which sucks less”!

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YES!!! I've chosen to be addicted to how good growth feels. ;)

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Very true, change sucks, especially if it puts you in a survival mode state whether by design or something that you get blindsided by or something like that but yeah we know something about us, good or bad, will have to change to and only if we are willing and open, the latter applying to many different things. As with most things it starts and ends with us. Being a wing it person myself it was cool to hear Coleman talk about his process. He is a writer, he should stop saying he isn't. He absolutely is. I really enjoyed this. Love your schennigator ways too. ❤️❤️🙏 Thank you guys.

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“As with most things it starts and ends with us”

Yes, Jess!! Well said. :)

Have a beauty day, sister. ❤️

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You too. Saw a full bow rainbow last night before the Thunderstorm that is dubbed Debby does Central FL.

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Wow, what a ho!! I thought she only did Dallas!! 😂😂😂

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Hey MANG, I like your accent.

I can talk about embarrassing stuff all day. That's a good one. Maybe I will make a list of embarrassing things, for fun. I have achieved awards in this area.

I love how much you love aging, Jacquiline, I feel the same.

You are glowing and beautiful, my darling.

DOWN with linear time!!

YEEOOW, "my G's are locked!"

"3 steps away from anything goes" :) haha. That belongs on a shirt.

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Hahahaha!! You've achieved awards. For some reason I'm not surprised. Caw-CAWWWW!!

I love that you enjoy the streamlining of aging, too, sister. Just so much more comfortable inside the skin, ya know? And the people you meet when you love yourself are made of such delicious QUALITY. Thank you for the compliments, beauty. I'm blushing. Have yourself a beautiful dreamy non-linear day, Amy. 🤍

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Good talk. About anxiety, it is usually a hypervigilance protective coping method in someone with past abuse. As a child they were accustomed to abuse so they felt that had to become hypervigilant to look for possible threats. I don't know that anxiety is really helping people in the present as adults, but the benefit when they were children was to protect themselves from threats. The body has ramped itself up into releasing hormones or chemicals that make it seem like a threat exists, when none actually does. Now, it overblows minor things so people get an anxiety energy burst (when they don't want or need it).

I think some people use their current anxiety to get sympathy points when they take on the "victim mentality" and they may love to blame others, like an ex or parents.

But for those who see anxiety as something hindering them, they go to therapy or try to lessen it with other methods. Mentally I can tell myself that something that startled me was "just a bug" but my body thinks there's more to it and then I'm swimming in the adrenaline that makes it difficult to relax and get sleep. So I'm doing something about it, trying to desensitize myself and heal so that I can relax. That's just taking personal responsibility. So I recognize that there are those who just want to use it, or over-exaggerate anxiety to look like a helpless victim. But, it's not everyone. Some people find it very distressing and see it hindering what they could do in life, and take steps to overcome it so they can be more productive or finally relax.

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Hey Barbara!

I really appreciate your thoughtful comment, sister.

Anxiety is nuanced....like most things. We are all so different and have our unique recipe of reasons for being the way we are.

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A good conversation on a concept that came be summarized. “Thinking about how I’m feeling about how I’m thinking”

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Read this on a substack by a guy named Rod Dreher. He writes regarding a British guy, but I believe it also fits our man Coleman,

“Why does it fall to rough men like Tommy Robinson to say the things that ordinary Britons ought to have been saying in defense of their communities? Answer: because when speaking common sense is outlawed, only outlaws will speak common sense.”

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Thanks Jacqueline and Coleman. Was awesome. And interesting. Don't watch a lot of podcasts. That was fun.

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Thank you so much for watching!!

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He's a blast, and hilarious hahaha. "I don't know science words," lmao I know some but this one broke me as did his comments about 'attacking' and 'noise' and calling bullshit. He's really down to earth.

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He really is!! He had me laughing so much. 😊 Thank you for watching, brother.

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De rien madame, it was a pleasure. He’s also strangely soulful, I hope he goes on to do his own podcasts, maybe one with him and Andrew would be cool where they can dole out Dad jokes.

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Oh my god that would be amazing!!!!

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Very empowering conversation. And funny too! Really helps you realize not to take yourself too seriously. For how long are we going to worry about what others think and the judgements they make? I love empowering content like this!

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Hey Nick! I’m happy you enjoyed listening to us! It’s amazingly freeing when you decide to not let others opinions of you matter more than your own. 😉

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What happened to Coleman’s substack???

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Great question, Mel. It's a mystery. My guess is he's opted to live with less attachment to social media and his phone. Huge loss for us all here who appreciate and enjoy his presence.

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