Feb 4Liked by Jacqueline Rendell

That's such a beautiful way to celebrate each other's friendship.

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She really was special, that amazing friend who did surprising and whimsical things. Ever artful, creative, and so so talented at so many different things. She was inspiring to be around. Thank you so much for reading and appreciating my story and song today. :)

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Feb 4Liked by Jacqueline Rendell

It's hard to find genuine friends like that. ❤️

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It is. But I must share something with you that I hope does not detract from how you are feeling about this post and story. I want to be honest with you and up to date. She got swallowed up by the woke-monster. Her huge bleeding heart and compassion for the underdog made her the perfect victim, and when I did not follow her there, we gradually grew apart. I will always hold a special place for her in my heart.

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Feb 4Liked by Jacqueline Rendell

Maybe she will heal thyself from the woke mind virus. I had to put those friends behind me too. It was costing my soul. Maybe they'll realize they miss us one day. Having to capitulate to another's world view to have a friend and only respect for their views and not yours leaves one feeling did they ever really know me, like me or respect me in the first place if I have to have carbon copy opinions?. I know it hurts. I'm hurting too. My own husband ( ex in waiting doesn't respect my beliefs) I screwed it up and so did he. It's a loss for both. It's a shame. People are so fractured it's sad.

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I'm sorry you are hurting, sister. It's not been easy, eh?

I lost a LOT of people from my past to wokeness. Sadly, a lot of us did. Such is the nature of collectivist cult-like ideologies~ they demand your allegiance or else! I'm feeling pretty damn good these days though knowing I'm not alone. I like what you say about wondering if they ever knew us or liked us in the first place. It's a very important question to ask and reflect on.

Happily I have maintained friendships with many who also saw through the nonsense, and have met many more kindred spirits who nourish me with a deeper quality of connection and understanding.

Black & white thinking vs nuance.

Check this out if you haven't. It's a song I wrote last summer after a friend of mine dumped me because he could "no longer tolerate my point of view".


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Feb 4Liked by Jacqueline Rendell

I'm sorry to hear that you have experienced the same. It truly is healing to find people who get it and will still acknowledge that we may not agree on everything but can on most and still love and accept those with disagree with and aren't forcing people to agree with ourselves. Thank you for your kind words and inspiring. ❤️🙏

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Oh, my. Love, love. love. More, please.

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Order received. Stay tuned for the next delivery...

hahaha! Thank you, as ever, for your support, my friend. XO

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Feb 4Liked by Jacqueline Rendell

It’s a beautiful day here in Chicago area! 40 and sunny! I’ll take it in February. What a gift to a friend! I’ve noticed you write songs for people, says a lot about who you are. Great performance last night. I love the setup you had going on and acoustics. I know we all talk about your voice (deservedly so) but I realized last night how you rock those strings really well too.

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YAY sunny! What a gift something so "normal" can be, right?

And thank you so much for that feedback about last night!! Def my first online rodeo...so I'm really happy to learn that the performance translated and was successful. Many, many thank you's, Chris. Awesome night.

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This is gorgeous! I love it!! 🥰

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Thank you!! I'm so happy you do!! XO

It just seemed to be the perfect song to accompany a sunny spring-like day.

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Ironically, it's overcast here - thank you for the light! 🥰

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HA!! You are so welcome, my sister! XO

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What gifts you gave each other! Beautiful! I would love to hear your song sung! ✨💕

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Thank you, Charlotte!! I remember feeling giddy when I went to her bar where she was working to gift it to her. With my headphones and my ipad in heand, I plunked her down to listen and watched her face as she teared up while listening!! hahaha!

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Great to see you play last night at the salon. This is a lovely piece too. Cheers.

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Hey William! Thank you very much! What a great night that was. Definitely my first 'zoom cabaret'. Probably not my last. ;)

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Feb 4Liked by Jacqueline Rendell

Beautiful song; a fitting gift to a friend. The only thing better than being written about is being sang about. Lucky for you, you can do both, conferring this honor to a friend. I'm sure Rachel appreciates.

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Thank you so much, Patrick!! :)

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Feb 4Liked by Jacqueline Rendell

Genre-bending, great instrumentation. Groovy!

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I do like to bend me some genres. ;)

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This is beautiful. How sweet. It's perfect.

It's like you are breathing in the sun.

That's exactly what it sounds like.

Perfecto Mundo!

I saved your" techno deets" in a file now named "techno deets". Thank you, I don't speak deees language.. You just keep on putting out beautiful music. :) You are a creation inspiration. Also your picture is beautiful. What a gorgeous, sunny person on a gorgeous sunny day, like a flower. It's so nice to hear about something so uplifting as well. I have noticed lately how negative music is, in general....like what you hear "other people playing". Haha. We need more complexity of human experience in song. Thank you for adding to it. You are Maravilloso!

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Feb 4·edited Feb 5Author

Thank you so very much, my darling Amy!!

"...like breathing in the sun"...i LOVE that!!

It's so funny you say that about modern music~ it's frickin DARK, man!! I feel like a grandma sometimes if I walk by someone broadcasting new 'music' because I can't help but have a visceral reaction to it and grumble about it as I pass~ it's such a low vibe.

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Very low, this is the opposite. It's like sunbeams coming into the room. I think most people I know who disagree on what is good music, would like it. It's very pleasing. It's hard to argue with whether you like light or not, unless you are a vampire. HAhaha.

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hahahahah!!!! but even then, I bet vampires would in the least tap a toe....! hahaha

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One!! One toe tap!! AH Ah ahhhh!!

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I loved that guy

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Feb 5Liked by Jacqueline Rendell

❤️🔥 what everyone else said! So much talent, Jacqueline!

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Awww!!!! Thank you so much, Cynthia!! :))

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Fantastic, Jacqueline! That sounded great and elegant on my studio speakers, very 3d. Heartwarming.

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Oooh...I love this feedback...elegant!! 😍

Thank you so much for listening.

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My pleasure. I don't know how you use elegant, but for me as a painter it is for when art problems are solved simply with an economy of means...not fussy! : )

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Ahaaa!! I see!!! And I continue to love this!! hahaha. I've never really thought about it before, what I mean when I use the word 'elegant'...but I've always loved the word. I suppose I do think of something being 'streamlined with a touch of grace and an air of beauty'.

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That makes me happy. It is still magically foreign to me how people create music. Undoubtedly because I can't sing and have never attempted to play anything. Thankfully, I can listen to music while I paint. Though I can't listen to it when I write.

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Feb 5Liked by Jacqueline Rendell

Loved it...and I danced to it. Thank you! It gave me chills. It is incredible you did that on an ipad!

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Yay you danced to it...!!💃💃💃

Thank you so much, beautiful Terra! 🌟

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