A work of heArt indeed! Thank you! This is one I’m going to check out 🙏❤️

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Thank you, Jamie!! Your art is already making a difference for us out here who read it. 🙏✨

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Great piece! I’ll have to check that book out.

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Thanks Chris!! It really packed a punch for me. It spoke to every nuanced fear we hold without even knowing they’re there- silently holding us back and keeping us small. ❤️

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Yes, yes, yes!

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Jan 26Liked by Jacqueline Rendell

I need to change my inside and outside.

Right now, I am stagnant but holding. Hubbs and I are content and overwhelmed with paperwork following my fathers passing 7 months ago, but we are ready to pack up the big house and move out of here. I took care of my parents for 10 years and dropped some activities and slacked off others.

I have a big piano. should I start playing again? I am not very good but who cares.

Should we move to an area with others like us in age, or down size and live in a community with a seniors section and live among the young and peppy? I like the latter idea.

I always enjoy reading your enthusiasm for moving forward

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Yes, play on that big piano, Rosemary!

Hold the question and listen to your ❤️‍🔥

Follow your (he)Art & (F)ear...

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I second Veronika- play that piano!! Boy, if I had one around nothing else would ever get done!

I do hear you on the “where to live” conundrum. I’m asking myself that very question every day. I suppose ultimately there are no right answers. It’s a matter of making a choice and lining up with it fully.

Thank you so much for sharing and taking the time to comment Rosemary! ❤️

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Jan 26Liked by Jacqueline Rendell

An important message in today's age of distractions. Far too many people are fixated on outcomes, they cannot resist the seduction of destinations. We can only control our effort. As for the outcomes, they'll be what they will be. Ours was always the work, nothing else; doing this well is executing our mission and mandate in this life.

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Wow...I should hire you to be my ghost writer, Patrick! Beautifully said, as always! 🙏✨

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Jan 26Liked by Jacqueline Rendell

Thanks Jacqueline.

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Sometimes we need to remind ourselves that we are also Works of Art. 💕

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Indeed!! Yes!! ❤️

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Thank you, Jacqueline 💕🙏

Art & Fear ~ a favourite title in my private 'Creator's Library' too ❤️‍🔥

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Wow!! Amazing that we both have it from which to draw wisdom and inspiration, Veronika! Thanks for sharing with me! 🙏❤️

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I know. It's not a very common book, I think. 💕

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exactly!! :)

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Jan 26Liked by Jacqueline Rendell

I have been a workaholic since I sought to copy my grandmother as a pre-schooler. I witnessed her fill her days with a massive collection of artistic skills. From the beginning of each day she would make artforms out of everything she did. Her attention to detail and skilful acquisition of new expressions was astounding. Even when she cooked or cleaned, she was artistic! Every day included sewing, knitting, lace-making, palm-reading, tarot cards, personal hygiene and, above all, loving her extended family with a calm strength that refused any sense of failure.

Ever since I have tried to be just like her and I have extended way beyond the skills she imparted to me. I added interior design, entrepreneurial business management, teaching, dog handling, endurance sports, off-grid living, medicine via healing herbs and now writing.

All living can be an art.... all beings can be walking artforms. That was what my grandmother gave to me and it was a legacy that far exceeded any form of materialism because it resulted in a very happy fulfilled life, lived and crammed to the hilt with joy.

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Wow....Frances, your grandmother was an incredible woman!! As you are. Yes!!

“All living can be an art”. What a beautiful legacy. I do believe creativity is our gateway to joy. Thank you for leaving such a beautiful message...❤️✨🙏

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Jan 27Liked by Jacqueline Rendell

My gran was a normal Gypsy woman. They have very high standards which they teach to each new generation. To disobey my gran was utterly unthinkable - she was matriarch of our extended family and I was very fortunate to be under her care while my parents both worked full time. I had no idea that other grandmothers were not quite as regal as she was! 😉

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She really sounds incredible. I can feel her power in the way you describe her! Do you have any pics of her?

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Jan 27Liked by Jacqueline Rendell

Yes, but it is a large sepia photo from the 1920s, framed alongside one of my grandfather when they first got together. They are at the head of my 'Rogues Gallery' that stretches all the way along one wall of my home! Very precious inheritance indeed.

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Wow. It sounds incredibly beautiful. Yes a real treasure to have in your home!

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Yes! Love this distillation. Just show up and do the work. That's it.

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Thank you so much, Stephanie!! Yes...it can be so simple! Thank you so much for your comment, sister. 🙏✨

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Jan 31Liked by Jacqueline Rendell

Just do the work. Show up for it. And the work is art and about how we treat ourselves, our life, our journey...like that. So there is no difference between sitting to write, taking mushrooms, or doing “nothing” watching a fly while I drink tea. It is all divine. “Work” is a funny word for that. Thank you for lovely thoughts and for a creative, thoughtful offering. I love a good bargain hunt as well!

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Indeed!! It is all divine. Thank you for your sharing your reflection, Terra! ✨❤️🦋

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Thank U for this, U just inspired a short story as a side piece to a quick drawing I did a few years back- I'll @ U in the comments when I publish it so (hopefully) u can give me your thoughts on it🥰🥰💜💜☯️☯️🧿🧿

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The best advice my father ever gave me was to follow my dreams and passion and I would never work another day in my life. I didn’t always follow his advice, but on this one I took it to my heart. ♥️

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Creativity is magic. Magic is creativity.

I have a wool sweater I wear all winter, I purchased in a thrift shop for about $10 at least a decade ago.

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Came over to check out your substack from our conversation on Andres' site... Art and Fear is, for my money, the best book ever written on the creative process. I remember having a similar reaction to it when I picked it up years ago. I'm sad that it's been relegated to Value Village, but I'm glad it's found its way to another artist all the same.

Anyway, subscribed. :-)

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