Know thyself.

Simple. But hard.

And worth it.

What is POST post modern?

If post-modernism proposes that “everything is a social construct” then post-post-modernism is the belief that SOMETHING must be left standing when all that’s false has fallen, lifeless, to the ground.

If you are like me, then you too are looking for a home inside a post-modernist world that’s busy inverting, corrupting, and collapsing all cultural constructs deemed oppressive & out-dated~ in essence, all that we’ve known…

If you are like me, then you feel more and more like you’re living in a clown world or a 2D movie that you feel less and less sure is real…

If you feel betrayed by those you trusted or are dismayed by the shadowy Nothing spreading across the land, lost without a compass in a world that is not what you thought it was…

I welcome you to join me~ an artist, musician and free spirited thinker~ on the adventure of a lifetime where innate curiosity & inspiration leads us down the road less travelled, eternally devoted to exploring what IS left standing as the world crumbles to pieces around us.

Why subscribe?

Post Post Modern is about the quest to discover what is really real?

YOU are real after all…aren’t you?

So if the only way out is in…then in we must go!

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In an inverted world of crumbling constructs & flimsy narratives, we seek to build an island upon which to rest & reflect by asking one question: what is REAL?


I’m a curious being on the adventure of a lifetime. Musician/ Narrator/Truth-seeker