Allbest at your gig! I went to an open mic a week ago to support some friends. I brought no instrument, but one friend who knew I performed years ago offered me his guitar and put me on "the list." I played three songs that I'd never done in public. It was . . . exciting? . . . definitely intriguing ♪♫

I was, as it turned out, happy to be there 😎

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HA!! Good on you Domenic! Life is too short to NOT get up and play three songs for the first time!! Thank you for being here. 😊

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Excellent, thank you! I really enjoyed that.

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Thank you so much! I think it will be cycling through my head all day. Should be able to nail down that second verse and have a go at it again in no time! 😊

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Thank you, Dave! I'm happy you're here. 😊

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This is so beautiful! 😍 Love everything about it. Especially the lyrics!

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Thank you so much, April!! 😘

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Me too. 🙏

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Congratulations jacqueline. Happy you're back

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Thank you, Dave. It feels good to be back. 🥰

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Spiralling. I stood across from the silent yet groping Call the Office yesterday waiting for train station to open at 5:30 AM in -22C. Layered up in an attempt at warmth I thought to myself- wish I saw Jacqueline Rendell play there! Today I wake to this! Fire. Thank you for being-here!

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Oh man!! There's so much magic in this comment I'm not going to ruin it with words!! Sending you the best vibes through the aether, Jamie! 🙏😊✨🎵

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Were you a torch singer in a past life? That was amazing! I have no doubt you’ll knock out that 2nd verse.

With that voice of yours you might try twinning (2 copies of your vocals, or more). Now have fun. Keep both, but time shift the second slightly. Make one an octave lower or higher. Add more vocal copies for moments that swell, crash then recede like waves.

Think about sculpting the sound. You sculpt your voice naturally. It’s a different way to approach things. Think about the overall piece in terms of major ebbs and flows. When I can’t get out of my own way, this gives me a different way to think about my composition.

I hope any of that gives you inspiration for your next piece.

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Sister, thank you!!

I love all that you've suggested here. 🙏

Honestly, I tend to record TOO MANY vocals as harmony is my favourite thing in the whole entire world. However I've never tried twinning. And I'm eager to give it a go!!! 🤍

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Next thing you know, you’ll be using drones and drone harmonies. I will be able to say I knew you when….

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You know what I'm hearing on this? Strings. Luckily I know an incredible violin player. ;)

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Yes! Strings are perfect. Does your violin player play fiddle? Could be interesting. An alternating line with a cello would be lovely. Think two swooping lines coiling and uncoiling. I’ll leave you alone now.

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Loved this song! Love thebluesy vibe and the great lyrics and sexy voice. Glad to be here to hear this song today, will be hearing it again soon!

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Thank you so much for listening! I appreciate the positive feedback. I'm glad you're here, too! 😊

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Oh! This was a stunning listen! Your voice is gorgeous. I love the lyrics and the simplicity of the music (the way you can hear and savor it but it doesn’t overpower your vocals, if that makes sense) good luck at your performance!

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Thank you so much, Jenn.

I so appreciate you taking the time to listen, sister! 🎵🙏 I am just now going through my set list. And I think I've nailed down the second verse so I can perform this song in full today! 😉

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That’s so exciting! Sending you love and good luck!

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Its Sunday and Im hoping your gig is going awesome beautiful lady! Randy and I love everything about your new song! Your magical voice, lyrics meaning. Heaven in music! Beautiful Jacqueline! ✨🤗💜🎵

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Charlotte and Randy, thank you both for listening! 🙏 And wow, what wonderful feedback!! Thank you so so much, my sister! 🤍🎵🎸✨

The gig went really well- a beautifully intimate space with people who wanted to really listen. A DREAM for a songwriter!! 🎸🥰

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