Watching now ... update, lovely discussion. Solarah is disarmingly authentic and comes across very caring. Observation, process, and calmness were my takeaways.
You nailed it, Michael!! She is all of these things. I am learning a lot from this woman.
I have been a performer since I was 6 years old when I did my first commercial for Betty Crocker cookie mix, and then joined ACTRA by 8. I am a double Leo- sun and moon. As I age, I am learning how to tame the "performing leo" into a calmer more elegant leonine woman, where presence speaks louder than words. @Solarah is a perfect teacher for me in this respect.
PS. thank you so very much for watching and reporting back!!! XO
Oh wow! I think I’ll be joining the leaky face brigade with you and Demi 😆
What a beautiful and heartfelt thing to say!!! I am learning much from you too - your beauty, poise, intelligence and sensitivity. I had no idea that you’re a Leo Sun and Moon…love it!!!
I’m a Leo Sun and Mercury. I get what you’re saying about the leonine tendency towards performance…especially when we seek acceptance from others based upon childhood wounding. I am still working on that too - shining brightly for myself, and not feeling the need to “put on a show” to highlight my brilliance…because it’s naturally there anyway. Furthermore, we never have to “put on a show” where we are truly valued. I am seeing and learning this more too. My Aquarius moon helps me here ☺️
What a life you’ve led…being in the spotlight from such a tender age. You come across as having an effortless stage presence (not forced), and ability to connect with the hearts of those you write, speak, and sing before. I know the internal truth for you likely feels different, but I want you to know that you do what you with such poise, beauty and grace.
So, I am only reflecting back to you who you already are too!!!
So much love and gratitude to you for all that you are 🤗🤗🤗🤗
Thank you so much Michael! What a beautiful compliment. I truly appreciate it. I am so glad that these were your takeaways, and I thank you for taking the time to watch and listen. Much love and gratitude to you 🙏🏾🤗
I love that book , Avalon in the Midst? Oh no, it was Mists of Avalon....yeah, I read that one. I saw the title in the new intro. You are such a great host Jaqueline :) I am VERY interested in herbalism now. I am walking around my house saying I need an apothecary! I went to a biological dentist with two family members in the last two days and they have a library in there. I took photos of all the books I want and as many pages as I could snap before the time was up. We are the alchemist of our reality, I agree. We are not victims of circumstance. Yes, I like to think I chose to be here. It makes things much easier.
I love that you are sovereign beings exploring the world!
I hear you , Solarah, on the structuring of time.
I don't miss social media at all.
I love the subscription and long form writing of Substack. Notes is cool too, but even without it, just having access to real work from each other through posts and emails is refreshing.
It's a bit more like having penpals.
Here is to accessing a higher version of ourselves, every day. PEACE!
I made the new intro to distinguish Season TWO, yo yo!! I love that book. I've carried it around with me for almost 30 years. Holy CRAP. That number just keeps gettin bigger, doesn't it?
I love that you took pics of all the books you wanna get. Smart! ;) Have you gone down the GNM, German New Medicine, alley yet?
"Yes, I like to think I chose to be here. It makes things much easier." SO much easier, I agree.
It IS like having penpals!! :) Here, here to upgrades! PEACE!! XOX
Thank you for pointing that out to me a second time. I haven’t looked into it and I most certainly shall. I am going to get it together over here this year! Thank you. I will let you know what I am thinking as I enter that world. I appreciate you so much for caring enough to mention it twice :)
Excellent interview Jacqueline with Solarah! I really enjoyed listening to your beautiful voices both speak to each other. You both come across so real and accessible. Blessings to you!💫💜💫🤗
So many gems in this conversation. I especially love your reframe of success as “just keep showing up.” That’s been one of my biggest lessons, and one of the most challenging to learn as a person who has always been interested in growth… keep showing up in all the beautiful alchemy, in all the mess and uncertainly and sensitivity. And keep remembering there is no final destination!
Loved this, Ladies!
Ohhhh, I am so happy to hear that you did, Virginia!! Thank you for watching and leaving a comment for us. Have a beauty day! ❤️
Thanks so much Virginia 🙏🏾🤗
Watching now ... update, lovely discussion. Solarah is disarmingly authentic and comes across very caring. Observation, process, and calmness were my takeaways.
You nailed it, Michael!! She is all of these things. I am learning a lot from this woman.
I have been a performer since I was 6 years old when I did my first commercial for Betty Crocker cookie mix, and then joined ACTRA by 8. I am a double Leo- sun and moon. As I age, I am learning how to tame the "performing leo" into a calmer more elegant leonine woman, where presence speaks louder than words. @Solarah is a perfect teacher for me in this respect.
PS. thank you so very much for watching and reporting back!!! XO
Oh wow! I think I’ll be joining the leaky face brigade with you and Demi 😆
What a beautiful and heartfelt thing to say!!! I am learning much from you too - your beauty, poise, intelligence and sensitivity. I had no idea that you’re a Leo Sun and Moon…love it!!!
I’m a Leo Sun and Mercury. I get what you’re saying about the leonine tendency towards performance…especially when we seek acceptance from others based upon childhood wounding. I am still working on that too - shining brightly for myself, and not feeling the need to “put on a show” to highlight my brilliance…because it’s naturally there anyway. Furthermore, we never have to “put on a show” where we are truly valued. I am seeing and learning this more too. My Aquarius moon helps me here ☺️
What a life you’ve led…being in the spotlight from such a tender age. You come across as having an effortless stage presence (not forced), and ability to connect with the hearts of those you write, speak, and sing before. I know the internal truth for you likely feels different, but I want you to know that you do what you with such poise, beauty and grace.
So, I am only reflecting back to you who you already are too!!!
So much love and gratitude to you for all that you are 🤗🤗🤗🤗
"Oh wow! I think I’ll be joining the leaky face brigade with you and Demi 😆"
hahahaha!!! Please~ join us!!!
"I’m a Leo Sun and Mercury."
Wow, my Mercury is also in Leo. :)
I love all that you've written here, Solarah. Ever thoughtful, gentle and wise.
"...I want you to know that you do what you with such poise, beauty and grace."
Thank you for that reflection, and for being such a beautiful loving mirror, my sister. Sending you my love and gratitude back! 🤗🤗🤗
Thank you so much Michael! What a beautiful compliment. I truly appreciate it. I am so glad that these were your takeaways, and I thank you for taking the time to watch and listen. Much love and gratitude to you 🙏🏾🤗
I love that book , Avalon in the Midst? Oh no, it was Mists of Avalon....yeah, I read that one. I saw the title in the new intro. You are such a great host Jaqueline :) I am VERY interested in herbalism now. I am walking around my house saying I need an apothecary! I went to a biological dentist with two family members in the last two days and they have a library in there. I took photos of all the books I want and as many pages as I could snap before the time was up. We are the alchemist of our reality, I agree. We are not victims of circumstance. Yes, I like to think I chose to be here. It makes things much easier.
I love that you are sovereign beings exploring the world!
I hear you , Solarah, on the structuring of time.
I don't miss social media at all.
I love the subscription and long form writing of Substack. Notes is cool too, but even without it, just having access to real work from each other through posts and emails is refreshing.
It's a bit more like having penpals.
Here is to accessing a higher version of ourselves, every day. PEACE!
Amy!! Thank you so much for watching, sister.
I made the new intro to distinguish Season TWO, yo yo!! I love that book. I've carried it around with me for almost 30 years. Holy CRAP. That number just keeps gettin bigger, doesn't it?
I love that you took pics of all the books you wanna get. Smart! ;) Have you gone down the GNM, German New Medicine, alley yet?
"Yes, I like to think I chose to be here. It makes things much easier." SO much easier, I agree.
It IS like having penpals!! :) Here, here to upgrades! PEACE!! XOX
Thank you for pointing that out to me a second time. I haven’t looked into it and I most certainly shall. I am going to get it together over here this year! Thank you. I will let you know what I am thinking as I enter that world. I appreciate you so much for caring enough to mention it twice :)
I know you got a lot goin' on. Juggling lots o'balls. I just know it's gonna resonate with you so much. :)
Excellent interview Jacqueline with Solarah! I really enjoyed listening to your beautiful voices both speak to each other. You both come across so real and accessible. Blessings to you!💫💜💫🤗
Thank you so much for listening, Charlotte!!! 🤗🤗🤗
Great conversation ladies. Really enjoyed :)
Thank you for investing your time in listening to our conversation!! Isn't she just so lovely? :)
So lovely. And a beautiful mother as well 🤩
Thank you so much Rebecca 🥹🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
Thank you so much 🥹🥹
Thank you so much for taking the time to listen Rebecca 🙏🏾✨🤗
You're welcome. 🌹
So many gems in this conversation. I especially love your reframe of success as “just keep showing up.” That’s been one of my biggest lessons, and one of the most challenging to learn as a person who has always been interested in growth… keep showing up in all the beautiful alchemy, in all the mess and uncertainly and sensitivity. And keep remembering there is no final destination!
Thank you so much, sister! I'm thrilled that you got something out of it. It really encourages me to keep doing these!! ❤️