What you were saying about people not knowing why they are here or having their purpose, or seeing their purpose or true self mirrored back from society ~ too true. That is not great, is it?
You opened with discussing that so many people do not know why they are here or what their purpose is. That was a great place to start.
Then Tess said that the arts were our means to communicate that. I agree wholeheartedly.
“Symptom of the chaos is collective suffering…….”
Oh yeah.
Being vulnerable can be scary, but it’s so worth it.
I think you are both two beautiful mirrors in the world. I am glad to know humans such as yourselves.
Music and art and writing or whatever you do as a hobby, they are not hobbies. They are your craft. I agree with that. It’s how you express who you are and how you enjoy being here.
It’s how you take care of yourself and feed your soul. It's how you maintain your energy and sense of yourself.
Tess mentioned the living dead. Yes, I wish for them, discernment.
You made me tear up when you said you were really feeling love for the people here on substack.
I know exactly what you mean.
I love the water stuff 😊 I have seen that information before. Thanks for reminding me. I want to see if there is more to know on the subject of water consciousness. I talk to my bath water. *wink
May that mama and that baby have peace in their bodies and feel each others love.
I don’t deal well with children in pain either. I have run into that many times in my life.
I will say something.
I have even told the kid directly, right in front of the parent that is yelling at them that they do not deserve to be treated that way. You deserve love.
I almost got in a fight with a mama over that one. She was already extremely angry.
I have always said “I can deal with adults suffering. I don’t like it, but it doesn’t take it out of me the way it does to see a child suffer. I just can’t take that.”
When you said “can I sing for your baby?” I had to choke cry on that one.
“I’m not a fuckin buddha. “ HAAAAAAAAAHaa. Cracking up now.
Such a rollercoaster of emotions, knowing wonderful humans. PAHAha
I love this conversation. I know what you mean about sending energy to people
to help them.
Judgement can kill love.
Judgement has been a thing that I have been dealing with since 2020.
Sensitive people, yes.
It is a gift. We have to use it and protect ourselves and be able to fortify ourselves.
Having friends like you two helps a lot.
We would be friends in the same room together too.
I am interested in kundalini as well. Your body was just a “a pedestal for my head”. Well said. Ha!
I smile at people and I wave, even when they have been walking past my house for a YEAR without waving back. Hahaha
~ I am relentless in that way, among others.
Being the one to give it and not expecting it back. It does come back a lot. Many surprising things happen.
I am enjoying connecting with women here. Men as well, but I hear you on how “girls” can be with each other. I only see women supporting each other’s beauty and talent and ideas here. It’s really refreshing. I feel that way in the real world too. It’s not a competition. Many of us were raised to think that way, it’s crazy. In that idea of a “perfect world” there can only be one winner. In this idea of shared love and appreciation, we build strong supports for each other. We reverberate out more and more and what is created is wonderful for MANY. That’s such a better way to travel. Who has time for belittling each other. Sheesh.
I have met a lot of incredible women here. Again, men as well, but my focus in this statement is the way that women were raised to think “she is the PRETTY one”, so no one else is of value. That ….is BOWL SHEET>
You are both beautiful and talented and strong women and I appreciate you and wish you ALL THE GOOOOOOD THINGS and more!
And I love that this whole things ends with music.
AMY. XOX We'll start here with some hugs & kisses.
"I will say something. I have even told the kid directly, right in front of the parent that is yelling
at them that they do not deserve to be treated that way. You deserve love."
I LOVE that you do this. It's huge. Breaks down the perceived barriers of social etiquette into something way more real and meaningful. I will consider what more I can do if the opportunity arises again.
"Having friends like you two helps a lot. We would be friends in the same room together too."
I KNOW we would. And knowing this helps me a lot, too!!
"You are both beautiful and talented and strong women and I appreciate you and wish you ALL THE GOOOOOOD THINGS and more!"
Right back atchoo, my beautiful, creative, imaginative, gigantic-hearted soul sister!!!
Thank you for always reflecting back what you hear, see and feel. It really makes my day. Probably my week. LOVE to your spirit from mine. ❤️❤️❤️
Thoroughly enjoying this. Stopped in the middle to channel my thoughts about the screaming baby in the alley:
Sounds to me like the zoned-out mother is delivering a blessing by triggering something deep-set that was looking to surface.
Also, it clicked while listening that >both< of your responses represent compassion, but like the two sides of the sword. Tess's response, while I agree with her that she's projecting, does have it's place >in combination with< Jacqueline's response.
There's something about understanding mixed with a sense of holding each other to a standard that >adds up< to a holistic brand of compassion. Of course, we have to be able to do that for ourselves. And of course it's easy to dismiss in others what we haven't truly resolved in our own lives.
But whenever I hear someone say something like "I have NO COMPASSION for..." that usually translates to me as "my empathy is activated but I feel like I can't handle it if I continue to let it flow freely because it hurts too much."
Also, the mom could've been triggered and dissociating herself. Or in some kind of depression or hormonal fog -- or just depleted from not getting enough nourishment or emotional support herself to be able to provide anything for the baby. She could'a been tapped-out. Or, as Tess says, in an abusive situation.
Yeah, she might've just been being negligent, but phones have become like giant bloodsucking tics attached to the bottom of our cerebral cortex. None of us is immune.
It sounds like all those possibilities occurred to you afterwards too.
Great!! I'm so thrilled you are enjoying it. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with us.
"Sounds to me like the zoned-out mother is delivering a blessing by triggering something deep-set that was looking to surface."
!00%. And like Tess said, we often need that external trigger to get to the core, as it's often difficult to access otherwise. I'm grateful for it!
"I'm sure that all occurred to you afterwards."
Absolutely~ it could be many things.
", but phones have become like giant bloodsucking tics attached to the bottom of our cerebral cortex. None of us is immune."
Well said. Even with all the possibilities of why the mother was not choosing to hold her baby at that time, the optics alone fo me seeing what I saw was a punch to the gut. Truly, the real zombie apocalypse.
Yes, but I think we're all capable of being patient with ourselves and bringing ourselves back into the moment when the screens take over.
As a parent myself, I know that being triggered and/or dysregulated is an >enormous< challenge to push through while also trying to be present for your child.
Not saying that's >necessarily< what was happening with that mom, but any which way there's got to be >something< going on that a mom's natural sense of empathic connection with her baby would be blunted like that, if even just temporarily.
The beauty of parenting, though, is that kids are >bound< to hit all the triggers. It's almost like a divine mission of theirs. I've come to see it less as an added pressure and more as something to work-through together.
I really love your idea of offering her support. Even if she declines -- or even rejects it or responds with hostility -- that desire to offer support will find its direction.
Beautiful!! I love all of this. Thank you for sharing your parental wisdom. What you've said actually really soothes me into another place with this encounter I'm having with this mother and baby.
"I really love your idea of offering her support. Even if she declines -- or even rejects it or responds with hostility -- that desire to offer support will find its direction. "
Thank you so much for saying this. :)
I realize the key for me is in knowing that when I am finally able to offer my help, I'll be doing so from a newfound wholeness, a new way of being in the world.
this right here what you said: "whenever I hear someone say something like "I have NO COMPASSION for..." that usually translates to me as "my empathy is activated but I feel like I can't handle it if I continue to let it flow freely because it hurts too much." --- F***. You are correct. IDK if you're a highly skilled therapist or just really intuitive and have done A LOT of your own work, but holy shit. I have never in my life heard that framed that way - and as soon as I felt myself almost cry when i read the sentence I knew that shit was true. Yes, that is one of the scariest things to have compassion for -- and that is due to my own unresolved (but in process of resolving and it hurts like shit) trauma/anger/grief etc. Thank you for that. wow. i am SO GLAD that part was not edited out. I think that was meant to happen.
Wow! That is >amazing< to hear. I'm not a therapist, but I get called that by friends pretty regularly. And yeah, you could say I've done a lot of work but, um, that lemme not give the wrong impression b/c that work is required literally right up to this very second. Let's just say there's A LOT for me to still be working through. But this is extremely gratifying to be reminded that by unpacking thoughts I can help things click for others.
And OMG -- I left this first comment without it clicking that JUST THIS MORNING i had my own "i have NO COMPASSION for people who do this" kinda moment when I saw this awful Instagram post: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8FJ0-EAXkV/
Of course I had a hot-headed response, but then later I thought to incorporate it into a post about why people's empathy is stunted -- framing that as a widespread ailment, not an act of negligence.
Don't get me wrong, I feel intense anger towards the person in that video, but like Thich Nhat Hanh says, when someone does something terrible, they don't need to be punished, they need help.
They could, however, have benefitted from someone stepping in there and being like "What the fuck are you doing?!?! STOP. You could seriously hurt someone -- and yourself."
What an awesome interview ladies! So much discussed here and I love that the baby was a catalyst to the topic of conversation that might not have come up. Jacqueline I believe that baby crying is meant for you to observe and analyze your reaction (which you have done), resolve some moment in your past and then alchemize it and give to that mother and her child. This will be healing for yourself, possibly the baby and the mother. I've had to go back to moments in my childhood with my father and heal the boy who was experiencing trauma that he carried forth. When you said you needed to go back and heal that little girl, it struck me. The topic on healing that came out of this was so raw and authentic, but appropriate considering how both you and Tess are those qualities.
I smile first too Jacqueline and sometimes just having the thought and the awareness of smiling first, prompts the person you are passing to beat you to it. When that happens, it's quite the feeling. That's magnetism. This is the training ground along with the inner work.
I felt what you said about water. I also live adjacent, like Tess does, to a large pond, which I meditate by barefoot, not every meditation; but quite a few in the warmer months. Additionally, the induction water technique that Joe Dispenza promotes to begin meditation. Another thing about showers inducing creative thought; you are walking through a door, or pulling back a curtain. In a sense you are walking through a portal, temple, womb and then water hits you.
Yes, Tess's wisdom is ancient and I've told her she is much wiser than most of us at her age; certainly myself at that age.
"Not to entertain, but add value to their lives." This quote applies to both of you. When you both were on Salon together someone in the chat said something like "You two are way better than Taylor Swift" or something like that. I responded with, "That's the most obvious statement made today by far. Uhhh, DUH." Tess's quote sums up why. Thank you both for sharing your gifts; assisting us in being richer in spirit.
Jacqueline, the Post Post Podcast is so important and needed to happen. Thank you for doing so. We all are extremely grateful for it. You are a fantastic interviewer!
"Me doing this is me caring about what's happening out there." I love that Jacqueline! Keep it up sister!
WOW. Thank you for leaving us @tesstamona such an incredible, rich comment.
I'm overwhelmed with appreciation. And am slooooowly taking in all that you've said here.
"Jacqueline, the Post Post Podcast is so important and needed to happen. Thank you for doing so. We all are extremely grateful for it. You are a fantastic interviewer!"
There's not a dry eye in the house over here and I live alone.....so....wow, thank you. I would say that insecurity has been my biggest shadow/hurdle. And hearing this from you serves to put one more nail in that coffin. Time to bury any and all remaining doubt.
Thank YOU, my brother for being you and being here. Here's to continuing owning our voices and our free expression. ❤️
ohh wow you had insecurity about that!? DUDE. Yeah all of that is bullshit you are fucking amazing just saying -- and what you do does NOT go unnoticed. You are an embodiment of grace, love, generosity and authenticity. I do not mean that lightly either. You are so wondefully uniquely you, and you genuinely lift other people up. That is the most potent medicine, the world would be fucked without your energy and presence.
Absolutely friend. And I relate. SOOSOOOOSOOOOOO much. I am grateful we are still moving forward, in spite of. It's amazing how that insecurity stuff works. I can look at you and find no reasons why you would be at all. Yet I believe you, because I know how much of a role those doubts/fears/lies/nightmares have played in my mind too. ❤️
I'm always looking for Stackers who want to be my guest and share their Substack story. If you find yourself willing and interested, please do let me know. It's been a real joy to put a face and voice to the human behind the words.
Appreciate the invitation and will think about it. We as content creators have a lot of territory to cover. Mine will almost certainly focus on just music and musicians.
I'm primarily a song-writer/musician, and have been enjoying sharing my music in posts that tell the story and context for why I wrote a song and what the lyrics are. Substack has been a life-changer for me. I really had no idea! Here's an example of the kind of post I've been writing. Please check out the song when and if you get the chance, sister!
What you were saying about people not knowing why they are here or having their purpose, or seeing their purpose or true self mirrored back from society ~ too true. That is not great, is it?
You opened with discussing that so many people do not know why they are here or what their purpose is. That was a great place to start.
Then Tess said that the arts were our means to communicate that. I agree wholeheartedly.
“Symptom of the chaos is collective suffering…….”
Oh yeah.
Being vulnerable can be scary, but it’s so worth it.
I think you are both two beautiful mirrors in the world. I am glad to know humans such as yourselves.
Music and art and writing or whatever you do as a hobby, they are not hobbies. They are your craft. I agree with that. It’s how you express who you are and how you enjoy being here.
It’s how you take care of yourself and feed your soul. It's how you maintain your energy and sense of yourself.
Tess mentioned the living dead. Yes, I wish for them, discernment.
You made me tear up when you said you were really feeling love for the people here on substack.
I know exactly what you mean.
I love the water stuff 😊 I have seen that information before. Thanks for reminding me. I want to see if there is more to know on the subject of water consciousness. I talk to my bath water. *wink
May that mama and that baby have peace in their bodies and feel each others love.
I don’t deal well with children in pain either. I have run into that many times in my life.
I will say something.
I have even told the kid directly, right in front of the parent that is yelling at them that they do not deserve to be treated that way. You deserve love.
I almost got in a fight with a mama over that one. She was already extremely angry.
I have always said “I can deal with adults suffering. I don’t like it, but it doesn’t take it out of me the way it does to see a child suffer. I just can’t take that.”
When you said “can I sing for your baby?” I had to choke cry on that one.
“I’m not a fuckin buddha. “ HAAAAAAAAAHaa. Cracking up now.
Such a rollercoaster of emotions, knowing wonderful humans. PAHAha
I love this conversation. I know what you mean about sending energy to people
to help them.
Judgement can kill love.
Judgement has been a thing that I have been dealing with since 2020.
Sensitive people, yes.
It is a gift. We have to use it and protect ourselves and be able to fortify ourselves.
Having friends like you two helps a lot.
We would be friends in the same room together too.
I am interested in kundalini as well. Your body was just a “a pedestal for my head”. Well said. Ha!
I smile at people and I wave, even when they have been walking past my house for a YEAR without waving back. Hahaha
~ I am relentless in that way, among others.
Being the one to give it and not expecting it back. It does come back a lot. Many surprising things happen.
I am enjoying connecting with women here. Men as well, but I hear you on how “girls” can be with each other. I only see women supporting each other’s beauty and talent and ideas here. It’s really refreshing. I feel that way in the real world too. It’s not a competition. Many of us were raised to think that way, it’s crazy. In that idea of a “perfect world” there can only be one winner. In this idea of shared love and appreciation, we build strong supports for each other. We reverberate out more and more and what is created is wonderful for MANY. That’s such a better way to travel. Who has time for belittling each other. Sheesh.
I have met a lot of incredible women here. Again, men as well, but my focus in this statement is the way that women were raised to think “she is the PRETTY one”, so no one else is of value. That ….is BOWL SHEET>
You are both beautiful and talented and strong women and I appreciate you and wish you ALL THE GOOOOOOD THINGS and more!
And I love that this whole things ends with music.
Mmmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mm.
*my spirit
AMY. XOX We'll start here with some hugs & kisses.
"I will say something. I have even told the kid directly, right in front of the parent that is yelling
at them that they do not deserve to be treated that way. You deserve love."
I LOVE that you do this. It's huge. Breaks down the perceived barriers of social etiquette into something way more real and meaningful. I will consider what more I can do if the opportunity arises again.
"Having friends like you two helps a lot. We would be friends in the same room together too."
I KNOW we would. And knowing this helps me a lot, too!!
"You are both beautiful and talented and strong women and I appreciate you and wish you ALL THE GOOOOOOD THINGS and more!"
Right back atchoo, my beautiful, creative, imaginative, gigantic-hearted soul sister!!!
Thank you for always reflecting back what you hear, see and feel. It really makes my day. Probably my week. LOVE to your spirit from mine. ❤️❤️❤️
so much love to you, thank you so much for listening and thank you so much for this incredibly thoughtful and amazing comment. THANK YOU!
“I think you are both two beautiful mirrors in the world. I am glad to know humans such as yourselves.” 🙌
omggggg if i was not at work my brain would be able to process this so much better bahaha i am SO GLAD THIS EPISODE IS OUT AND SO GRATEFUL FOR YOU
Great conversation ladies. Thank you for being so authentic, I hope many people get to hear this.
Jac, I heard about band camp on a podcast a few weeks ago and wanted to share it with you but forgot. Glad Tess is on it.
Thank you so much, beauty!! That means a lot to me. ❤️❤️❤️
Thoroughly enjoying this. Stopped in the middle to channel my thoughts about the screaming baby in the alley:
Sounds to me like the zoned-out mother is delivering a blessing by triggering something deep-set that was looking to surface.
Also, it clicked while listening that >both< of your responses represent compassion, but like the two sides of the sword. Tess's response, while I agree with her that she's projecting, does have it's place >in combination with< Jacqueline's response.
There's something about understanding mixed with a sense of holding each other to a standard that >adds up< to a holistic brand of compassion. Of course, we have to be able to do that for ourselves. And of course it's easy to dismiss in others what we haven't truly resolved in our own lives.
But whenever I hear someone say something like "I have NO COMPASSION for..." that usually translates to me as "my empathy is activated but I feel like I can't handle it if I continue to let it flow freely because it hurts too much."
Also, the mom could've been triggered and dissociating herself. Or in some kind of depression or hormonal fog -- or just depleted from not getting enough nourishment or emotional support herself to be able to provide anything for the baby. She could'a been tapped-out. Or, as Tess says, in an abusive situation.
Yeah, she might've just been being negligent, but phones have become like giant bloodsucking tics attached to the bottom of our cerebral cortex. None of us is immune.
It sounds like all those possibilities occurred to you afterwards too.
Great!! I'm so thrilled you are enjoying it. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with us.
"Sounds to me like the zoned-out mother is delivering a blessing by triggering something deep-set that was looking to surface."
!00%. And like Tess said, we often need that external trigger to get to the core, as it's often difficult to access otherwise. I'm grateful for it!
"I'm sure that all occurred to you afterwards."
Absolutely~ it could be many things.
", but phones have become like giant bloodsucking tics attached to the bottom of our cerebral cortex. None of us is immune."
Well said. Even with all the possibilities of why the mother was not choosing to hold her baby at that time, the optics alone fo me seeing what I saw was a punch to the gut. Truly, the real zombie apocalypse.
Yes, but I think we're all capable of being patient with ourselves and bringing ourselves back into the moment when the screens take over.
As a parent myself, I know that being triggered and/or dysregulated is an >enormous< challenge to push through while also trying to be present for your child.
Not saying that's >necessarily< what was happening with that mom, but any which way there's got to be >something< going on that a mom's natural sense of empathic connection with her baby would be blunted like that, if even just temporarily.
The beauty of parenting, though, is that kids are >bound< to hit all the triggers. It's almost like a divine mission of theirs. I've come to see it less as an added pressure and more as something to work-through together.
I really love your idea of offering her support. Even if she declines -- or even rejects it or responds with hostility -- that desire to offer support will find its direction.
Beautiful!! I love all of this. Thank you for sharing your parental wisdom. What you've said actually really soothes me into another place with this encounter I'm having with this mother and baby.
"I really love your idea of offering her support. Even if she declines -- or even rejects it or responds with hostility -- that desire to offer support will find its direction. "
Thank you so much for saying this. :)
I realize the key for me is in knowing that when I am finally able to offer my help, I'll be doing so from a newfound wholeness, a new way of being in the world.
Oh wow, great to hear that!
this right here what you said: "whenever I hear someone say something like "I have NO COMPASSION for..." that usually translates to me as "my empathy is activated but I feel like I can't handle it if I continue to let it flow freely because it hurts too much." --- F***. You are correct. IDK if you're a highly skilled therapist or just really intuitive and have done A LOT of your own work, but holy shit. I have never in my life heard that framed that way - and as soon as I felt myself almost cry when i read the sentence I knew that shit was true. Yes, that is one of the scariest things to have compassion for -- and that is due to my own unresolved (but in process of resolving and it hurts like shit) trauma/anger/grief etc. Thank you for that. wow. i am SO GLAD that part was not edited out. I think that was meant to happen.
Wow! That is >amazing< to hear. I'm not a therapist, but I get called that by friends pretty regularly. And yeah, you could say I've done a lot of work but, um, that lemme not give the wrong impression b/c that work is required literally right up to this very second. Let's just say there's A LOT for me to still be working through. But this is extremely gratifying to be reminded that by unpacking thoughts I can help things click for others.
you absolutely can. and I thank you for it, truly. that was a gift to read.
My pleasure!
And OMG -- I left this first comment without it clicking that JUST THIS MORNING i had my own "i have NO COMPASSION for people who do this" kinda moment when I saw this awful Instagram post: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8FJ0-EAXkV/
Of course I had a hot-headed response, but then later I thought to incorporate it into a post about why people's empathy is stunted -- framing that as a widespread ailment, not an act of negligence.
Don't get me wrong, I feel intense anger towards the person in that video, but like Thich Nhat Hanh says, when someone does something terrible, they don't need to be punished, they need help.
They could, however, have benefitted from someone stepping in there and being like "What the fuck are you doing?!?! STOP. You could seriously hurt someone -- and yourself."
Love this conversation.
I am so happy to hear that you do!
What an awesome interview ladies! So much discussed here and I love that the baby was a catalyst to the topic of conversation that might not have come up. Jacqueline I believe that baby crying is meant for you to observe and analyze your reaction (which you have done), resolve some moment in your past and then alchemize it and give to that mother and her child. This will be healing for yourself, possibly the baby and the mother. I've had to go back to moments in my childhood with my father and heal the boy who was experiencing trauma that he carried forth. When you said you needed to go back and heal that little girl, it struck me. The topic on healing that came out of this was so raw and authentic, but appropriate considering how both you and Tess are those qualities.
I smile first too Jacqueline and sometimes just having the thought and the awareness of smiling first, prompts the person you are passing to beat you to it. When that happens, it's quite the feeling. That's magnetism. This is the training ground along with the inner work.
I felt what you said about water. I also live adjacent, like Tess does, to a large pond, which I meditate by barefoot, not every meditation; but quite a few in the warmer months. Additionally, the induction water technique that Joe Dispenza promotes to begin meditation. Another thing about showers inducing creative thought; you are walking through a door, or pulling back a curtain. In a sense you are walking through a portal, temple, womb and then water hits you.
Yes, Tess's wisdom is ancient and I've told her she is much wiser than most of us at her age; certainly myself at that age.
"Not to entertain, but add value to their lives." This quote applies to both of you. When you both were on Salon together someone in the chat said something like "You two are way better than Taylor Swift" or something like that. I responded with, "That's the most obvious statement made today by far. Uhhh, DUH." Tess's quote sums up why. Thank you both for sharing your gifts; assisting us in being richer in spirit.
Jacqueline, the Post Post Podcast is so important and needed to happen. Thank you for doing so. We all are extremely grateful for it. You are a fantastic interviewer!
"Me doing this is me caring about what's happening out there." I love that Jacqueline! Keep it up sister!
WOW. Thank you for leaving us @tesstamona such an incredible, rich comment.
I'm overwhelmed with appreciation. And am slooooowly taking in all that you've said here.
"Jacqueline, the Post Post Podcast is so important and needed to happen. Thank you for doing so. We all are extremely grateful for it. You are a fantastic interviewer!"
There's not a dry eye in the house over here and I live alone.....so....wow, thank you. I would say that insecurity has been my biggest shadow/hurdle. And hearing this from you serves to put one more nail in that coffin. Time to bury any and all remaining doubt.
Thank YOU, my brother for being you and being here. Here's to continuing owning our voices and our free expression. ❤️
ohh wow you had insecurity about that!? DUDE. Yeah all of that is bullshit you are fucking amazing just saying -- and what you do does NOT go unnoticed. You are an embodiment of grace, love, generosity and authenticity. I do not mean that lightly either. You are so wondefully uniquely you, and you genuinely lift other people up. That is the most potent medicine, the world would be fucked without your energy and presence.
WOWWWWW!!! Tess....I'm rendered speechless!!
" the world would be fucked without your energy and presence." hahahahaaha!! YOU are amazing. I love you, my sister. ❤️❤️❤️
And, I mean insecurity in general, has been my achilles heel..maybe one day, over a pot of tea we can talk about the details in person. ;)
Absolutely friend. And I relate. SOOSOOOOSOOOOOO much. I am grateful we are still moving forward, in spite of. It's amazing how that insecurity stuff works. I can look at you and find no reasons why you would be at all. Yet I believe you, because I know how much of a role those doubts/fears/lies/nightmares have played in my mind too. ❤️
Amazingly, beautifully said~ as ALWAYS~ my wise warrior sister. ❤️
Chris, you're fkng awesome, thank you for this comment, and also, thank you for listening. it's an honor.
He really is, right? ❤️
Substack is great for podcasting and hope to see much more of it!
Thank you so much!!
I'm always looking for Stackers who want to be my guest and share their Substack story. If you find yourself willing and interested, please do let me know. It's been a real joy to put a face and voice to the human behind the words.
Appreciate the invitation and will think about it. We as content creators have a lot of territory to cover. Mine will almost certainly focus on just music and musicians.
That's my favourite topic. ;)
Music and musicians is my day job and it is one of my favorite topics as well.
Lots of room for music here.
I'm primarily a song-writer/musician, and have been enjoying sharing my music in posts that tell the story and context for why I wrote a song and what the lyrics are. Substack has been a life-changer for me. I really had no idea! Here's an example of the kind of post I've been writing. Please check out the song when and if you get the chance, sister!