Jul 12Liked by Jacqueline Rendell, Jamie Millard

Oh Jamie and Jacqueline, what a great interview/chat. I have 20 min more to watch, but wanted to stop and say how much I appreciate both of you.

What happened to you Jamie, at 12. So life defining to bring out the deep soul within you. The supernatural instinct to go and write in your hospital room, after locking eyes with the angel in the hallway. As Jacqueline said, these are "touchstone" moments. Like "the forest is always waiting for us to come back." This is exactly my experience. My writing came from a very deep, soulful, what is happening? kind of place. God's presence telling me to "be me." To come back. It was there, I can see so clearly now, since a young child.

We do life, detours, blessings, as you say (what a fantastic job as a physio) yet this strong nature "is our life," guiding our life. A force, a gift from God, to acknowledge our unique wiring and keep it running, despite who cares or not. "To be." I see this community as a life force of people doing themselves, which is definitely what makes a writer's community so special. It's intertwined with all kinds of art and creative expression, calling for authenticity. That is the true fight against the post modern world which dictates lies and unsustainable infighting/divisions, as principalities gain power over all who have lost their God given unique gifts. There is no thriving under that. Just the death of your soul and a loss of loved ones. So please never stop doing you! Both of you. Thank you, thank you! Sending you both much love today and always. oxox

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Big hugs Deb! Thank you for leading the way. Right back at you and bless you too! 🙏❤️

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Always, right back at you Jamie 😘 Oh how I treasure this community 🙏🏻❤️ ox

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Jul 13Liked by Jacqueline Rendell, Jamie Millard

Bravo! Excellent! Wonderful chat, and it’s a pleasure to meet Jamie! 👏👏👏

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Thank you so much Charlotte for watching and sharing! Bless you 🙏❤️

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Jul 13Liked by Jacqueline Rendell, Jamie Millard

Beautiful conversation! Thank you so much for sharing! Poetry is Love! ❤️ Thanks for shining your light, both of you!

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Hey, thank you so much! You are one of the shining lights on this whole platform! Your message and your mission sings of love. Thank you for helping to rescue love in the world that has forgotten its deepest meaning. Bless you. 🙏❤️

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Thank you so much, Sadhbh! ✨

Indeed, poetry is LOVE. 💖

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Jul 14Liked by Jacqueline Rendell, Jamie Millard

I was so excited to see you both and to learn more about you, Jamie! It is different to take in an interview like this compared to reading and listening to the posts. I love them…and this adds dimension and depth. Thank you so much for doing this Jacqueline!

I am so happy to see two people that feel like friends, and that yet, I have never met in person. You both have touched and are touching my life and I am grateful. It is good to see where your poetry began, Jamie, and to feel it finding its way to flow into the world opening a gateway for expression for many, I imagine.

And I love that you spend a day to get things out and don’t overthink it. I would like to get better at that. And it is so nice that we are here for one another.

“I see you and I love what you are doing!” Both of you.

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Awww....I love this comment so much, Terra.

I am so thrilled to do these so we can all start deepening our connections by putting the face and voice to the writing.

It's really amazing what we have going on here, a true network of inspirational creatives

I am excited to ingest your piece this week with my morning coffee. It's becoming a ritual!

Sending you so much love....💖💖💖

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Jul 14Liked by Jacqueline Rendell

Thank you Jacqueline! I have no idea what my piece will be this week except I will have do as Jamie does and make it a one day project and finish it early. Wednesday I will be busy going to a place called The Seven Waterfalls. I do hope you come visit!

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Thanks Terra! It is so fun to have conversations with those whose work we share in. Your journey and vulnerability are a gift to share in. Thanks for being here. Jacqueline has a good thing going here and big thanks to her for leading the way. Thanks Jacqueline for your time, and expertise! I enjoyed your podcast Terra!

“Safety isn’t the absence of threat. It is the presence of connection” Gabor Mate

Thanks for the connection 🙏❤️

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Jul 14Liked by Jacqueline Rendell, Jamie Millard

Now I have to take in that my Voiceovers are a podcast 😂🙏❤️. Bless you Jamie and you and I resonate in the power of what is conveyed through speaking the words… Energy is embedded that way. It was great to see you and hear you in this way with Jacqueline!

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Thanks! I was referring to your wonderful conversation with Jacqueline as well. And those voice overs always add so much more to the words! Energy! Bless you 🙏❤️

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Jul 18Liked by Jacqueline Rendell, Jamie Millard

I am enjoying the "nostalgia noshing" at the beginning, to coin a phrase.

I am sorry about the place you loved closing though. 😊 I am glad you have those memories

I am guessing many people do.

I loved the conversation about being inside, after crossing the threshold.

*steps over own threshold for today.

I loved watching Jamie's eyes focus in surprise to hear his own words read back to him.

….could be ancestral stuff, ghosts…..whatever…………”once you have awareness, you can’t go back”

You guys are right about the mirrors. They really help.

It’s easier to see stuff for other people, so when they show you a mirror its very helpful.

“In between spaces” are my favorite places.

Trying to say things out loud helps me to look more closely at them and it helps me to remember them

“What you seek is seeking you.” I love that quote.

I am so glad you are diving into writing again. I love your work.

I loved the story of connection with the other young boy in the hospital and the

Poem that grabbed you. It’s powerful when you HAVE TO WRITE something.

I like to think about those moments in my own life.

They are always at pivotal times.

What you said about deciphering poetry is so true. I recently wrote a poem

About how I feel about someone and everyone thought I was writing about God. 😊 Which, when I read it that way, it is also true and it applies.

And that’s how it wanted to be written, so maybe it wanted to be interpreted that way

By many.

But you are right. What people get from poetry is what they get, like looking at visual art.

I did enjoy the breakdown of Canterbury Tales in high school. I would have never understood that without a lot of help.

But reading something someone is writing today, I take it how I take it.

I love watching Jamie make you remember something because of your local connection. That’s cool.

Oh no! You also lost a bookstore!

You guys geeking out on Milk crates it funny

I have actually unsubbed from some people, because I am just not reading their stuff. It’s nothing personal.

We all only have so much time.

The fact that someone subbed to begin with is a compliment. If they decide to move on, who knows why that happened.

I also don’t look at how many subs I have. I am here for other reasons.

"Richard Wagamese and Anam Cara, John Odonahue"….I am leaving those names here for myself. I may pick up a book there.

I lost time a few times while driving, so I have made a specific request of myself to stop doing that.

One time I felt like I was learning too much too fast and my mind and body were overwhelmed.

Another time I saw everything with supreme compassion and detachment. All the people driving, striving, nearly getting hit, nearly hitting others, rushing, trying, failing, being hungry on the side of the road, being sunburnt and still sitting in the sun, being worried, being oblivious, sucking at life………all of it happening right there on the busy highway. I felt myself floating away from it, like it was UNREAL. So I had to say , “hey, settle back into the 3d body, please. We are driving”.

I love the poem at the end. Thank you.

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Amy, you beautiful angel, you. Thank you for the gift of your time and attention, and also as always your empathic reflection. I will forever love and appreciate hearing your description of the way YOU see and feel things. 💖✨🙏🌟🤍

I hope/know/trust your mural and music are going well and bringing you comfort and joy, even within the moments that challenge and push you to your edge, my sister!

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Jul 18Liked by Jacqueline Rendell, Jamie Millard

I have many progress pictures. The wall is very rough so I am having to paint it before I paint it. It's taking a LONG Time. I will share progress notes and images in the next two weeks. I am looking at about 3 more to finish depending on weather. I have had a lot of people stopping by asking me to work for them too, so now I am handing out business cards and having stern talks with myself about prices. Some of these people will no longer be interested when they see my new prices. They just doubled and if I keep it up next year I will add another half of that on top to call that what it's truly worth. I am enjoying myself and working OUT in the sun every day. I also needed today off to recover. I was in a squat for about 2 hours yesterday. Luckily I "got dat booty pop" down to an art too. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!

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Wow a 2 hour squat and a booty pop!!! And your LAUGH!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Not anything I expected to hear and I'm SO HAPPY I DID!!


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And congrats on the requests for more work AND raising your prices, sugarPOP!!

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I am really good at sweating and squatting.should I put that on a resume'?sugar pop!! I see what you did there.

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All this talk about painting is making me want to write a poem! 😂

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Jul 18Liked by Jacqueline Rendell, Jamie Millard

They are very much the same. :) I am enjoying knowing so many creative people. I look forward to reading more of your work. *deep bow and a flourish.

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Jul 18Liked by Jacqueline Rendell, Jamie Millard

I saw the new post come out and couldn't get to it right away, but you even addressed that in this talk! It is a balancing act, indeed.

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It really its. I'm finding it tricky to keep up! XOX

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Wow, thank you so much Amy! Thanks for swimming into this one with us! Thanks for reflecting on a great conversation. Thanks for putting yourself out here on the stack. I totally agree that we can only create and share what comes through us rather than chase followers. Yes, Jacqueline caught me off guard with reading my words back to me. It doesn’t happen often! Thanks again, Jacqueline! I will swim into some of your poetry and creativity now too! Thanks for your kind words and for the connection. Bless you! 🙏❤️

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Jul 30Liked by Jacqueline Rendell, Jamie Millard

Loved this chat, may have to listen again.

I also do not like the stats icon that pops up all the time after you hit post. I'm going to ignore it completely and do my best to not be too concerned with external validation of my creation. I've really enjoyed the process of learning how to write and I'm learning so much by being on this platform - thank you Jac, for encouraging me to join and share my art.

My mother was a poet and loved words. This chat has definitely changed my view of poetry and I will be seeing words differently now. Much love to you both.

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Thanks Rebecca! Poetry is what Poetry does. It’s an act of resilience that opens at the door to presence. We are the poem. Thank you so much for listening and reaching out. 🙏❤️

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Oh I love this!!! Jamie's poetry and posts are amazing, Rebecca. You will LOVE them.

And you are so welcome, sister. I'm so happy you're finding the gem that is substack to be as beautiful and rewarding as I do.

I love you, my beautiful friend!! 💖💖💖

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