
Post Post Podcast #13


Hello, my fellow Stackers.

This newest episode of my podcast features a wonderful conversation with one of Substack’s most fabulously curious poetic creatures, Jamie Millard.

Discovering his stack was like immediately connecting in resonance with a fellow soul who, like I, is devoted to going within to find the answers to all that we seek….

Cuoreosity is a door to transformation. Please join me and walk across the threshold as we take the only step we can ever make; the one towards our self.”

Jamie is a soulful human who derives meaning, pleasure, and purpose from the very acts of wondering and wandering the inner and outer paths of this world…content to embrace whatever may remain a mystery and surrendered to the possibility that he may never arrive….

It’s simply enough to ask. The seeking itself is the answer.

Living the Questions

Have you been to yourself
in all of this noise?
Are you living your dreams?
Does your soul have a voice?
When you close your eyes
what do you see?
Where your heart meets your soul
who must you be?
Will your why be your way?
How will you tell your story?

© Jamie Millard


Please enjoy our conversation. Do yourself a favour and subscribe to his stack.

His questions might just be the answers you’re looking for.

Thank you so much for being here and supporting my work. Truly. ❤️

If you want to be my guest to discuss your writing and Substack adventure, please reach out via DM or email: jacquelinerendell@gmail.com

be great

love Jacqueline xo

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