What a conversation! And quite the poem. Love the 1,000 deaths as much as you love the one life. Jacqueline, keep being you. The sweet spot comes when you give authentically and the ego disappears into bliss. Too many times in life we shut out our real experiences, losses, vulnerability, and solar energy to blend in (or bland in). The more distinctive colors, the more beautiful the rainbow. Andrew I understand what you mean by controlling your temper with your kids. Within the last 6 months I've made adjustments with myself and I noticed about 3 months in, that I was going unconscious with my reactions on my kids. I was doing everything right but saving the reactivity weakness for them. I had to realize this and adjust. I was ashamed because it's like I was saving all the imperfections for them. But what this did, once I realized it, was helped me become a better father and man. I'm a divorced father so I don't have a spouse around to tell me, hey, you need to do better with them. It's quite a dance being a parent. I really try to just live in the moment, take a breath, even when things are awesome, and just appreciate my time with them. The little moments.
Chris, thank you, my brother. For so many things....for listening, for understanding, for sharing your wisdom, for holding the ground for what's sane, good, and lawful, and for parenting your kids the best you can. 🤍
I haven't listened yet, but I just wanted to say what a beautiful write up and introduction. I felt you in my heart. What an amazing poem that Andrew wrote as well. I am looking forward to listening to the conversation!
It's all such a confounding mystery! What could it possibly be? Women are keeling over b/c of sexism in not getting timely diagnoses. Uh, OK. It could be the toxic carbon-rich environment. Too much carbon, people. Uh, OK.
How did I miss this second one! I love your meaningful conversations Jacqueline! Andrew is one of favorite. AND I’ve been giving a lot of thought to when I’m a guest. I’ll DM you my idea! 🤗🤗🤗
There's a song that says it's gotta come from the heart ♥ if you want it to work. Beautiful deep conversation. Thank you jacqueline.
It's gotta come from the heart- indeed!
Thank you so much for listening to our conversation, Dave!! I appreciate you. 💖
Right back at you. Take care
What a conversation! And quite the poem. Love the 1,000 deaths as much as you love the one life. Jacqueline, keep being you. The sweet spot comes when you give authentically and the ego disappears into bliss. Too many times in life we shut out our real experiences, losses, vulnerability, and solar energy to blend in (or bland in). The more distinctive colors, the more beautiful the rainbow. Andrew I understand what you mean by controlling your temper with your kids. Within the last 6 months I've made adjustments with myself and I noticed about 3 months in, that I was going unconscious with my reactions on my kids. I was doing everything right but saving the reactivity weakness for them. I had to realize this and adjust. I was ashamed because it's like I was saving all the imperfections for them. But what this did, once I realized it, was helped me become a better father and man. I'm a divorced father so I don't have a spouse around to tell me, hey, you need to do better with them. It's quite a dance being a parent. I really try to just live in the moment, take a breath, even when things are awesome, and just appreciate my time with them. The little moments.
Chris, thank you, my brother. For so many things....for listening, for understanding, for sharing your wisdom, for holding the ground for what's sane, good, and lawful, and for parenting your kids the best you can. 🤍
I get it .
I haven't listened yet, but I just wanted to say what a beautiful write up and introduction. I felt you in my heart. What an amazing poem that Andrew wrote as well. I am looking forward to listening to the conversation!
Thank you my beautiful sister!! 🥰
It's all such a confounding mystery! What could it possibly be? Women are keeling over b/c of sexism in not getting timely diagnoses. Uh, OK. It could be the toxic carbon-rich environment. Too much carbon, people. Uh, OK.
Hey Stephen! I'm confused about your comment. What are you referring to as a 'mystery'?
How did I miss this second one! I love your meaningful conversations Jacqueline! Andrew is one of favorite. AND I’ve been giving a lot of thought to when I’m a guest. I’ll DM you my idea! 🤗🤗🤗
He is one of the loveliest, isn't he?
OH I am SO excited!!! I trust that it will happen divinely....and we will have ourselves a magical unfolding!! 🤍✨
That’s the idea 😉 🪄🪄✨✨🐰🤍 🎵✨