That’s so cute about your avatar and your kids not stressing you out enough for you to have filled in with the grays yet.

That’s the best thing, to hit the trails with your family. Fishing is awesome.

Maybe your little boy will love it! We started my son with a pole and a little fake, kind of heavy, plastic spider on the end so he could practice casting at a young age.

That’s sweet that you put your mamas email address on your subscriber list.

I am glad you get to talk to your Dad about the esoteric things in life.

I am with you on the mortality thing. I felt mine a couple of times this month and I am on top of it, rewriting my will and trying to get some crap cleaned up so no one else has to do it. Just to have that in order. We need to have our stuff in order moving forward.

You have to work and push to get things done, but you also need to relax and let it happen over a course of time. Yes, you set goals, but if you realize along the way that you are exhausted you need to tune out and go fishkin'.

Then Jacqueline says “Awareness is everything”.


You know what you are working toward, but you can only do it so fast and sometimes you need to take extra care of yourself. That is what I said to myself recently. You have traveled miles and miles. Even just your new thought process and open engagement with new information is a boon to your family’s thriving. It is not just the ability to provide clean water, food from the garden, electricity, natural remedies or anything like that. It is also about your mindset. I told myself recently to enjoy that I have that mindset and take it easy for a bit. I have a weird two months with getting T-boned in my car and then hitting my head on something after that. For real. I need to rest and relax and enjoy for a minute. Yes, I have work to do. But I am not sweating the small stuff at all.

I let myself have fun as often as I can and I think that's a really important example to set for young people, especially in this world. I love that you take your family into nature a lot. That's the best thing for them and you.

Here's to Jacquelines soup idea: I love soup.

Jacqueline is such a lovely, kind, accommodating and comforting hostess. You look beautiful today too, Jacqueline! (or that day. Haha you are certainly still beautiful today as well. Hahahaha.)

No, “everything is not garbage.” I love the part about being positive and doing things that make you happy. I like that you like the challenge. You are here for it, whatever it is. That's my motto. I am here for it, whatever it is.

I know what you mean about the accountability. It is nice that your family can read your work and they are interested in it.

“Confront your darkness and live”, I will read it.

Jacqueline, I am so glad you are doing this podcast

YES, PEOPLE! Forget about worrying about crap. 😊 AAAAchoo! (that's a reference to me doing a podcast with Jacqueline with a sniffy face from an allergy attack)

I love what you said about the universe calling you forward, Jacqueline!

I am listening closely.

Don’t worry about the little things, Andrew! You did it! We know who you are now! I have seen you around and found your comments fun or relevant. But now that I know who you are, when you speak I will think…oh, that’s Andrew….I have to go see what he said.

There’s something magical happening here. It was nice to MEETCHA :)

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Amy, you are the best. I'd bet you a million bucks that I look forward to and enjoy your comment on the podcast as much as you enjoy the podcast.

There IS something magical happening here....!!!

We are becoming more and more to each other as we discover ourselves. MAGIC.


Sending you a huge hug and 22 pats...xox

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Hahhahaha, that's a lot of patting. *falls ASLEEP..........zzzzzzzzzzzzzz........ :)

It's really cool to hear from everyone. It makes me feel so much more connected to them. You can bet me a million bucks, but if I lose, I am not paying out! Pahaha. I do love your podcast though and you are a great hostess.

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aww...thank you so much, my magical sister. I truly appreciate ya!

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Wow, what a comment.

I want to make sure I take the time and attention in my reply, which I so very want to do, as you did with this comment.

Therefore this is a placeholder reply as I dive in!


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Amy is such a gem. A big shiny sparkly diamond. ALWAYS.

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You just brighten my days :)

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same, sister, same!! :)

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So I liked the replies to my reply so I decided to make a new reply to reply in instead of editing my original reply as the reply.

I love sentences like that.


---- That’s so cute about your avatar and your kids not stressing you out enough for you to have filled in with the grays yet.

To be fair, they ARE stressful. But I think that’s good. It reminds me how much they mean to me when I start stressing over the details. I am NOT a detail person by any means. I have been spoiled with them. The horror stories regarding kids haven’t applied to mine. They’re a blessing.

---- That’s the best thing, to hit the trails with your family. Fishing is awesome.

FISHING IS LIFE! I mean, yeah, awesome. My two middle girls have started asking about fishing again now that the weather is warming up. So that’s exciting.

---- Maybe your little boy will love it! We started my son with a pole and a little fake, kind of heavy, plastic spider on the end so he could practice casting at a young age.

Yes! I need to dig his out of the pile now that it’s getting warmer. I may be down one monitor from a MONSTER cast he made indoors, but it was a great cast so I can’t be mad.

---- That’s sweet that you put your mamas email address on your subscriber list.

She’s watching this as I type and providing “real-time” comments via text. I feel blessed.

---- I am glad you get to talk to your Dad about the esoteric things in life.

His responses are less esoteric. Though I imagine the grounding of the esoteric in the tangible helps tremendously. “Hey Dad, why do I believe in God?” “How should I know son? But who cares? Does it help? Is life manageable this way? Are you living well? There’s your answer.” That’s what I love about it. I’m far more esoteric minded and he keeps me on the ground.

---- I am with you on the mortality thing. I felt mine a couple of times this month and I am on top of it, rewriting my will and trying to get some crap cleaned up so no one else has to do it. Just to have that in order. We need to have our stuff in order moving forward.

I avoided the mortality thing for as long as I could. Then it hit me in the face over and over. I don’t ignore it anymore. I see him as a comforting acquaintance now. Not that I have a wish to see mortality and the reason for it anytime soon, but he does a good job keeping me grounded, forcing me to prioritize, and showing me that these kids and this family are what I should focus on.

---- You have to work and push to get things done, but you also need to relax and let it happen over a course of time. Yes, you set goals, but if you realize along the way that you are exhausted you need to tune out and go fishkin'.

YES! I have neglected fishing and it has bitten me right on the ass. Also, this is a great way to present a fishing trip to the wife. Thanks!

---- Then Jacqueline says “Awareness is everything”.

---- Right.

---- You know what you are working toward, but you can only do it so fast and sometimes you need to take extra care of yourself. That is what I said to myself recently. You have traveled miles and miles. Even just your new thought process and open engagement with new information is a boon to your family’s thriving. It is not just the ability to provide clean water, food from the garden, electricity, natural remedies or anything like that. It is also about your mindset. I told myself recently to enjoy that I have that mindset and take it easy for a bit. I have a weird two months with getting T-boned in my car and then hitting my head on something after that. For real. I need to rest and relax and enjoy for a minute. Yes, I have work to do. But I am not sweating the small stuff at all.

This part made me tear up. I’m finding myself tearing up more often nowadays. You are wonderful, Amy.

---- I let myself have fun as often as I can and I think that's a really important example to set for young people, especially in this world. I love that you take your family into nature a lot. That's the best thing for them and you.

To be clear, I don’t nearly as often as I should. Apologies if I gave the wrong impression. That’s not to say I don’t take them into nature and often is relative, of course. But we don’t live in the city and I avoid them when possible, so most of what we do IS in nature. I guess it’s complicated. I need to do it more.

---- Here's to Jacquelines soup idea: I love soup.


---- Jacqueline is such a lovely, kind, accommodating and comforting hostess. You look beautiful today too, Jacqueline! (or that day. Haha you are certainly still beautiful today as well. Hahahaha.)

Also seconded, though I wasn’t sure about this originally, the podcast. The idea was perfect, as a podcast. But I’m still coming out of my cynical phase. Jacqueline is the type of person that can EXPEDITE that Cynicism -> Properly Balanced phase. Absolutely WONDERFUL! Every step of the way her attitude and gratitude were infectious and I felt myself sucked into a vortex of positivity, hope, kindness, and wonder. I highly recommend conversations with her at every opportunity that presents itself.

---- No, “everything is not garbage.” I love the part about being positive and doing things that make you happy. I like that you like the challenge. You are here for it, whatever it is. That's my motto. I am here for it, whatever it is.

“LET’S GO!” is my favorite.

---- I know what you mean about the accountability. It is nice that your family can read your work and they are interested in it.

My family being interested has been the most surprising thing to me. No idea why, but I noticed that it was/is. It’s still surprising.

---- “Confront your darkness and live”, I will read it.

let me know!

---- Jacqueline, I am so glad you are doing this podcast

---- YES, PEOPLE! Forget about worrying about crap. 😊 AAAAchoo! (that's a reference to me doing a podcast with Jacqueline with a sniffy face from an allergy attack)

I was so embarrassed but my puppy (Melody, 6 years old) is so sweet I couldn’t be upset.

---- I love what you said about the universe calling you forward, Jacqueline!


---- I am listening closely.

---- Don’t worry about the little things, Andrew! You did it! We know who you are now! I have seen you around and found your comments fun or relevant. But now that I know who you are, when you speak I will think…oh, that’s Andrew….I have to go see what he said.

I LOVE THIS! Wonderful.

---- There’s something magical happening here. It was nice to MEETCHA :)

You too!

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You are cracking me up with this being a good way to introduce your wife to more fishkin time. Pahaha. :) It's also just nature loving/washing/soaking time. Enjoy!

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Oh, I enjoyed your opening new reply to reply in instead of editing your original reply as the reply. That was efficient.

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Give a man a fish and you may feed him for a day. But teach him how to fish, and you will feed him for a lifetime. Therein lies a paradox.

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I have a lot of catching up to do Jacqueline! On my list tomorrow is to watch this one and also last week’s with Michael Newberry! Hugs to you! I really appreciate and look forward to your interviews and chats with Substack authors! 🤗💖✨

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Awww!! Thank you Charlotte!!

And I appreciate you appreciating and enjoying them. It's so rewarding to be creating something that others enjoy and benefit from. I love that we are all getting to know one another better...it's a real connection of love. XO

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I too have learned recently that I do care about others opinions more than I thought I did.

Showing me I have more work to do in this area....confidence is self!

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Thank you for your comment, my beautiful sister!! And for watching. :)

I love that we are all learning to be ourselves while growing into who we want to be, together!

Sending you my love! xox

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Lovely Soul, what troubles you m'lady? I support the work you do, and I know it's important. You are a muse to a creative like me. Your light exceeds it's bounds. Your interactions with Andrew are endearing. He's a switched on guy, by all accounts. He has vision. He knows what his vision is and is open to change it. I love his spirit, for it is the very spirit of which I too partake. He's got his head twisted on the right way. A Good Man. Thank you, m'lady for bringing these wondrous insights to the table. I supp deeply upon them. You are an Angel 🙏❤️🙏

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Awwww....nothing troubles me at all, Elliot! why oh why do you think something does?

I am honoured to be a muse for you. Sincerely....:)

Andrew has a beautiful spirit and yes, is a good man.

I am honoured to be considered an Angel by you, my kindred brother. xox

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A misunderstanding perhaps, let's presume so. I'm moving on already, m'lady. Time is fleeting 🙏💜🙏

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perfect....I'm moving along with you!

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Then perhaps, there may even be hope 🙏

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Always! xo

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Great interview I finally watched this one and Kara’s as well. I enjoyed both very much.

I love the fact you take everyone fishing. My Dad took us skiing. He always said, “A family that skis together, stays together.” it was one of the activities that bonded us similar to your fishing.

🎏 🐟 Thank you, bless you! 💞💫💞

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Thank you so much for watching, Charlotte! I'm so happy you're enjoying these convos. I really am, too. :)

That is beautiful, about the skiing. Your Dad was a wise man.

It's very clear to me that Andrew is a great father, and it was wonderful watch his thoughtfulness in action.

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Amazing podcast, never knew you were so young Andrew, thought you had twenty years on me rather than just 1-2. Dammit, I feel immature now, so must now crack a 'your mom' joke here.

That said, I'm glad your dad is still alive and there for you, I've lost mine and still hunger for his presence so can't help but kind of relate to your pops even as I respect your passion for your famille. Tes un bon homme.

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Isn’t he wonderful? I don’t have enough good things to say about him. Truly. 🤍

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Neither do I! As a man, I can greatly appreciate men like him.

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