It's all about the right choices ...

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Indeed. And being in the right mind to make said choices!

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More, please.

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Thank you so much for the invitation that you know I will accept, my friend in creativity. ❤️

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Yes, I know & luv that about you ...

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May 9Liked by Jacqueline Rendell

Thank you for your wise words, and the beautiful film that you have shared with us. You remind us all that our ravishingly gorgeous planet, and Nature creates a heavenly space, which we must all protect as well as cherish xxx

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Thank you so very much for watching my video and for leaving me your gracious message, Jacqueline! There is SO much beauty to be found~ and it helps to anchor my focus every day!! ❤️

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May 9Liked by Jacqueline Rendell

You’re very welcome, my namesake! It’s lovely to be reminded that there is real beauty still to be found in the world, even in the midst of so much horror. I sometimes wonder how the Earth has tolerated us for so long, given how we abuse her. It’s lucky that she is a string and forgiving mother - sincere thanks once agqifor reminding us all.

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It's entirely my pleasure, sister Jacqueline! :)

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And thank you for putting up with my typos, sister ! Mother Earth is of course strong and forgiving, and I meant to thank you again for reminding me and everyone else 😊

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you're so welcome! have a beauty day! :)

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This is beautiful. And it made me feel better. Thank you, love. xoxoxo

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May 10·edited May 10Author

Awwww....music to my ears....I'm smiling right now that it uplifted you, my beautiful sister...❤️❤️❤️

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The journey from fear to love is the miracle of our lives! Thank you Jacqueline!

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Indeed!! It is a miracle....one that awaits our discovery every day! Thank you Jamie! ❤️

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Seeker of what is true…..

"Incessant" is such a great word.

Fear = “It’s not a device to perpetually wield.”

No WAY! Absolutamente no.

“It minimizes the capacity required for logical long-term planning and solution-oriented strategizing for how to best move forward.” Correctamundo.

"It’s a sad fact that many of our human brothers and sisters are existing each day in some state or variation of this emotional dis-ease.’

I like how you put that.

A young man at the gas station had a mask on today, it was sad. I treated him exactly as I would treat any other person, it was a choice. I wanted to be kind. But when you say that our “brother’s and sisters” are suffering from ongoing dis ease, I am filled with compassion again.

Now and then I get irritated and want to say something to them. On those days, I give them poop face. Mostly, I am nice.

It’s good to be reminded of why though. It’s so annoying to see at times.

“Being unable to reason their way through, they instead sought quick relief through the external band-aids being readily offered by those same few who sparked and stoked the fire of their fear in the first place.”

BAAAAAOOOOMMMMMMMMM. *That’s a boom with a country flair*

“Our attention, our intention, our words, our focus is powerful.”

I love you for saying this.

I know this, but I love reading it. Especially today. Especially today. I want every one of my words to be from non judgemental loving kindness, happiness and genuine curiosity today.

Writing really is helpful. Now I have solidified my plan. Thanks for spurring that.


I love your footage here. I JUST finished posting a note that I want to see mountains. This is gratifying for today. Thank you.

Oh man that wavy water from the side right before the lighthouse ………BAAAOOOOOMMMM > 😊


I love placing my attention. It’s so much more fun.

How you act, how you respond………"that is how we change the word".

Thank you, darling love in my life.

You are beautiful here! I love the music in the background. It's perfecto.

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Here she is!!! The best commenter in the entire universe and beyond!!


"Now and then I get irritated and want to say something to them. On those days, I give them poop face. Mostly, I am nice."

I totally get this. To be honest, I have to sometimes remind myself that they are actually people. *shrugs/slaps forehead

My mind wants to write them off as I scan the horizon for kindred living eyes to connect with. Then I remember they've been manipulated beyond their own awareness and ability to thwart it. Then I remember to be grateful that is not me. *looks up and mouths thank you to whoever is listening

"Thank you, darling love in my life."

AWWW!! Thank YOU, you wonderful magical creature, for being so alive, and vivid, and compassionate. For appreciating and getting my art. For adding so much beauty to the world. You being out there in the world doing your thing makes a huge difference for me way up here!! ❤️❤️❤️

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Jun 17Liked by Jacqueline Rendell

Who would have thought Post Post Modern would be the sanctuary we create in our inner souls that leads to our reactions to the chaotic narcissistic world around us. We must build that inner sanctum brick by brick, with love, peace, strength and courage, preparing for the worst, hoping for the best, step by step while taking full responsibility for outcomes that may even be beyond our control. Nothing is new under the sun. If the new new is artificial, then what do we really have? A reality enveloped in someone else’s vision, someone else’s ideas, someone else’s perspective? We will lose ourselves. Do not let this happen.

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I love your words! And I really appreciate you leaving a thoughtful comment for me to rad and ponder! ❤️

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Jun 17Liked by Jacqueline Rendell

It was your words that resonated and inspired! Lovely, poetic, clear and concise.

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Awwww, what a lovely thing to say. Your feedback is dazzling me. I made it a while ago now so I really love that is resonating with you now. Thank you so much, my sister. 💗

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Jun 18Liked by Jacqueline Rendell

We’ve lost the concept of Universal Truths. We need more connection to these truths. Your writing nurtures that connection. I’m looking forward to reading more.

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Wow, then you totally get what I'm all about!! ❤️

"Your writing nurtures that connection. I’m looking forward to reading more."

And again, I'm filled with appreciation. Many thank you's for this, sister. I love your support.

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